Prepositions - Down
Prepositions - Down
1. Down indicates movement from a higher place.
Pattern: noun + verb + down + noun
The rocks rolled down the mountain.
Typical verbs used before down:
come, fall, go, move, roll, run, slide, walk
2. Down means following the way of; along
Pattern 1: noun + verb + down + noun
The old man went down the road on foot.
Typical verbs used before down:
come, drive, go, move, run, skate, walk
Pattern 2: noun + verb + noun + down + noun
The boys rode their bikes down the street this morning.
Typical verbs before down:
bring, carry, drive, move, pull, push, ride, take
Typical nouns after down:
freeway, highway, path, road, sidewalk, street, turnpike
3. Down indicates destruction.
Pattern 1: noun + verb + down + noun
The intruder broke down the door.
Typical verbs used before down:
blow, break, bring, burn, cut, strike, take
Pattern 2: verb + noun + down
The intruder broke the door down.
4. Expression
upside down—turned so that the bottom is on top
The cups go in the dishwasher upside down.
5. Phrasal verbs
back down (intransitive)—retreat
The dog backed down when I called his name.
calm down (separable)—soothe; tranquilize
We had to calm the children down after the excitement.
close down (separable)—stop business activity, temporarily or permanently
We close the shop down at four o'clock every day.
They plan to close that business down for good.
come down with (nonseparable)—become sick
She missed the picnic because she came down with the flu.
crack down on (nonseparable)—impose restrictions
The police are cracking down on street violence.
Prepositions - About
Prepositions - Above
Prepositions - Across
Prepositions - After
Prepositions - Against
Prepositions - Ahead Of
Prepositions - Along
Prepositions - Among
Prepositions - Around
Prepositions - As
Prepositions - At
Prepositions - Back to/Back From
Prepositions - Before
Prepositions - Behind
Prepositions - Below
Prepositions - Beneath
Prepositions - Beside
Prepositions - Besides
Prepositions - Between
Prepositions - Beyond
Prepositions - But
Prepositions - By
Prepositions - Close To
Prepositions - Despite/In Spite Of
Prepositions - Down
Prepositions - During
Prepositions - Except
Prepositions - Far From
Prepositions - For
Prepositions - From
Prepositions - In
Prepositions - In Back Of
Prepositions - In Front Of
Prepositions - Inside
Prepositions - Instead Of
Prepositions - Into
Prepositions - Like
Prepositions - Near
Prepositions - Next To
Prepositions - Of
Prepositions - Off
Prepositions - On
Prepositions - On Top Of
Prepositions - Onto
Prepositions - Opposite
Prepositions - Out
Prepositions - Outside
Prepositions - Over
Prepositions - Past
Prepositions - Through
Prepositions - Throughout
Prepositions - To
Prepositions - Toward
Prepositions - Towards
Prepositions - Under
Prepositions - Underneath
Prepositions - Until
Prepositions - Up
Prepositions - With
Prepositions - Within
Prepositions - Without
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