General English Test - 03

General English Questions and Answers

1. My main news is that Mary has at long last ________ to marry me.

2. Where we live is a sort of back________ because nobody here knows what's going on in the world.

3. The other night we went to a French restaurant and it ________ to Charles to translate everything on the menu for us.

4. As we have all worked very hard this year, I'm hoping that our efforts will bear ________ .

5. I'm suspicious really because at the back of my ________ I don't trust them.

6. Try and be a little more cheerful because if you don't bear ________ soon, you'll make everyone else miserable.

7. I fully understand your comments and bearing those in ________ I have made the appropriate decision.

8. He's one of those irritating people who manages within a few minutes of meeting someone to ________ their back up.

9. And now I come to a very important ________ I want to ask of you.

10. What you like in the way of lunch very much depends on your ________ taste.

English Test

1. General English Test - 04
2. General English Test - 05
3. General English Test - 06
4. General English Test - 07
5. General English Test - 08
6. General English Test - 09
7. General English Test - 10
8. General English Test - 11
9. General English Test - 12
10. General English Test - 13
11. General English Test - 14
12. General English Test - 15
13. General English Test - 16
14. General English Test - 17
15. General English Test - 18
16. General English Test - 19
17. General English Test - 20
18. General English Test - 21
19. General English Test - 22
20. General English Test - 23

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