Idioms Quiz - 12

Idioms Quiz
General English Questions and Answers
Choose an idiom to replace the expression in the brackets.

1. Choose an idiom to replace the expression in the brackets:
We will have to go back to (the beginning) in order to solve the problem.

2. Choose an idiom to replace the expression in the brackets:
The man has been (exhausted) all week from looking after the children.

3. Choose an idiom to replace the expression in the brackets:
I have not been able to (precisely locate) the cause of the problem.

4. Choose an idiom to replace the expression in the brackets:
The man is very rude and his actions always (irritate me).

5. Choose an idiom to replace the expression in the brackets:
I was (tricked into) helping my friend fix his car.

6. Choose an idiom to replace the expression in the brackets:
We decided to move to the country because we did not like the (endless busy days) in the city.

7. Choose an idiom to replace the expression in the brackets:
"Please do not continue to (talk about) my poor exam results."

8. Choose an idiom to replace the expression in the brackets:
The man has been (making a lot of money) since he bought the hamburger franchise.

9. Choose an idiom to replace the expression in the brackets:
Our sales manager (scolded me) for my poor sales record.

10. Choose an idiom to replace the expression in the brackets:
"Please (listen) to what your mother is saying."

English Test

1. Idioms Quiz - 13
2. Idioms Quiz - 14
3. Idioms Quiz - 15
4. Vocabulary - Sentence Completion - 01
5. Vocabulary - Sentence Completion - 02
6. Vocabulary - Sentence Completion - 03
7. Vocabulary - Sentence Completion - 04
8. Vocabulary - Sentence Completion - 05
9. Vocabulary - Sentence Completion - 06
10. Vocabulary - Sentence Completion - 07
11. Vocabulary - Sentence Completion - 08
12. Vocabulary - Sentence Completion - 09
13. Vocabulary - Sentence Completion - 10
14. Synonyms - Test-25
15. Synonyms - Test-26
16. Synonyms - Test-27
17. Antonym Test - 11
18. Antonym Test - 12
19. Antonym Test - 13
20. Vocabulary - Synonyms Antonyms - 01

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