ESL-EFL Test - 116

Quizzes, tests, exercises and puzzles for English as a Second Language (ESL), English as a foreign language (EFL), Teaching EFL (TEFL), Test of EFL (TOEFL), English for speakers of other languages (ESOL), Teaching ESOL (TESOL), TOEIC.

1. Jenny rang to say she's ill, but I think she's putting it ________

2. She never paid ________ the money she had borrowed from them

3. Will you put the cat ________ before you come to bed, please

4. I saw ________ the New Year with some friends from university

5. The dog saw the burglar ________; he ran back over the garden wall screaming

6. When you deposit money in your bank account, you pay ________

7. Can you get some coffee from the shops; I'm afraid we've run ________

8. I've got an appointment nat five to see a dealer ________ buying a new car

9. They say she has supernatural powers and can see ________ the future

10. After the lead singer fell ill, they had to put the performance ________ for a few days

English Test

1. ESL-EFL Test - 117
2. ESL-EFL Test - 118
3. ESL-EFL Test - 119
4. ESL-EFL Test - 120
5. ESL-EFL Test - 121
6. ESL-EFL Test - 122
7. ESL-EFL Test - 123
8. ESL-EFL Test - 124
9. ESL-EFL Test - 125
10. ESL-EFL Test - 126
11. ESL-EFL Test - 127
12. ESL-EFL Test - 128
13. ESL-EFL Test - 129
14. ESL-EFL Test - 130
15. ESL-EFL Test - 131
16. ESL-EFL Test - 132
17. ESL-EFL Test - 133
18. ESL-EFL Test - 134
19. ESL-EFL Test - 135
20. ESL-EFL Test - 136

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