notice, n. 1. information, data, facts, knowledge, intelligence; news, tiding, report, message, account, recital; word, lowdown, Sl. info, Sl. poop, dirt, dope, inside story, Sl. scoop.
2. notification, apprising, advisement; statement, declaration, communication, announcement, publication, publicity, airing; reference, mention, mentioning, referral, referment; allusion, citation, indication, specification; hint, suggestion, inkling, innuendo, implication, insinuation.
3. poster, bill, handbill, circular, bulletin, broadside, pamphlet, leaflet; advertisement, broadcast; encyclical, manifesto, edict, decree, pronouncement.
4. caution, caveat, cautioning, warning, admonition, monition, forewarning; tip, tipoff, pointer.
5. critique, criticism, critical review; review, article, piece, column, editorial, comment, commentary.
6. attention, attentiveness, note, observation, ear, Dial, nevermind; consideration, thought, care, solicitude; respect, regard, mindfulness, Inf. mind; vigilance, watchfulness.
-v. 7. pay attention to, give attention to, heed, listen to, give ear to; mark, observe, consider, note, take note, take heed of, give heed to; regard, remark, Archaic, animadvert, bear in mind, take into account; keep an eye on, keep an eye out, be on guard, be alert, be cautious, watch out, look before leaping; stop, look, and listen.
8. discern, see, behold, perceive, cognize; descry, detect, discover, light on or upon, espy; make out, decipher, figure out, ascertain, determine; distinguish, pick out, recognize; differentiate, discriminate.
9. mention, mention in passing, allude, touch upon; cite, refer to, note, advert to, point to, Dial, signify; hint, suggest, adumbrate. See - note (def 13).
noticeable, adj. 1. conspicuous, observable, recognizable, discernible, perceptible, appreciable, distinguishable; defined, distinct, well-defined, well-marked; visible, vivid, graphic; unhidden, undisguised, unconcealed, unmistakable; unveiled, uncurtained, unshrouded, unscreened; evident, plain, plain as day, plain as the nose on one's face, under one's nose, obvious, palpable, manifest, apparent; explicit, clear-cut, patent, express; pronounced, prominent, marked.
2. notable, noteworthy, remarkable, signal, outstanding; memorable, unforgettable, Sl. hell of a, special, particular, especial; important, on the map, significant, momentous, meaningful, worthy of notice; extraordinary, unusual, different, uncommon, rare, singular, exceptional, out-of-the-ordinary, Inf. one for the books; unique, distinct, peculiar, odd, strange, curious.
notification, n. 1. making known, revealing, notifying, disclosing.
2. notice, message, letter, cable, report, dispatch, aviso, communication, word; statement, publication, broadcast, announcement, pronouncement; information, Brit, gen, intelligence, light; caution, advice, caveat, admonition, tip-off, Sl. high sign; tip, hint, word to the wise, clue, suggestion,
notify, v. 1. inform, give notice to, tell, advise, apprise; remind, call, telephone, phone, cable, wire, write, send word to; warn, alert, caution, tip, tip off; give the lowdown to, let know, give a clue.