supine, adj. 1. prone, prostrate, flat, flat on one's back, horizontal; accumbent, recumbent, decumbent, procumbent, couchant; abed, sprawling, lounging, lolling, spread, laid out, reclining, reposing, lying.
2. inactive, passive, inert, motionless, lifeless, exanimate, inanimate, stationary; indolent, idle, otiose, lazy, inattentive; indifferent, apathetic, uninterested, unconcerned, unfeeling, lethargic, incurious; sluggish, slothful, torpid, languid, lumpish, insensible; listless, lackadaisical, nonchalant, vegetative, phlegmatic; sleeping, quiescent, dormant, nonactive; unresisting, resigned, nonopposing, nonresistant, nonactivist, do-nothing, laissez-faire.
supper, n. repast, meal, evening meal; dinner, Fr. diner, buffet dinner, TV dinner; collation, refection, spread.
supplant, v. 1. displace, remove, supersede, succeed, step into the shoes of; unseat, unload, crowd out, dethrone, eject, expel, fire, bump, oust; depose, drive out, turn out, dismiss.
2. exchange, substitute, commute, subrogate, interchange, swap, trade; replace, double for, fill in for, Inf sub for, act for; stand in for, do duty for, do time for; take the rap, take the blame, SI. be the goat; take the place of, take over for, ghost, understudy for; relieve, pinch-hit, pinch-run.
supple, adj. 1. pliant, flexible, pliable, bendable; elastic, extensible, stretchable; ductile, tractile, plastic, flexuous, flexile; whippy, springy, nonrigid, giving, fictile.
2. limber, lithe, lissom, lithesome, Archaic, lithy; willowy, loose-limbed, double-jointed.
3. compliant, yielding, submissive, passive, unresist-ant; complaisant, acquiescent, docile, tame.
4. adaptable, malleable, adjustable, movable, changeable, resilient; responsive, accepting, receptive; agreeable, amenable, willing, easy, well-disposed.
supplement, n. 1. addition, enlargement, supplementation, extension, annexation, Rare, annexment, annex, wing; appendage, appurtenance, appurtenant, adjunct, ancilla, appanage, attachment; complement, completer, accessory, accompaniment, concomitant, concurrent, attendant, counterpart, corollary, correlative, Astron. comes; additive, reinforcement, fortification, fortifier, strengthener; support, buttress, prop; accession, increase, raise, increment, gain, augmentation, bonus.
2. appendix, addendum, codicil, rider, Law. allonge; epilogue, postscript, p.s., P.S., subjoinder, subjunction, suffix, postfix, endpiece, tailpiece, tag; updating, yearbook; amendment, modification, change, correction.
3. (all of newspapers) extra, special or added feature, magazine section, special section, advertising supplement; comic section, funny papers, funnies, comics, comic strips; insert; follow-up, follow, sidebar, shirttail. -v. 4. complement, complete, accompany, top off; augment, enlarge, extend, add on or to, increase; reinforce, strengthen, fortify, support, subsidize.
5. compensate for, make up for, fill a gap or need; upgrade, bring up to par or standard, boost, lift, raise.
supplementary, adj. 1. additional, additory, added, appended, attached, annexed, suffixed, supplemental, codicillary; complementary, accompanying, attendant, accessory, accessorial, concomitant, concurrent; sup-pletory, compensatory, upgrading, boosting.
2. auxiliary, adjunct, ancillary, supportive, contributory; subsidiary, subordinate, secondary, incidental;