Synonyms Dictionary
2. accelerate, quicken, hasten, push forward, advance, precipitate; stimulate, arouse, rouse, vivify, animate, bestir, instigate, motivate, inspire, exhort, excite, provoke, incite; press, prod, shove, jog, move, drive on, urge on, egg on, hound on, goad, whip, flog, prick; boost, prompt, thrust, impel, propel, give an impetus to; dispatch, send away quickly, send off summarily, lend wings to; expedite, facilitate, aid, assist, help set on one's legs, put on one's feet.
-n. 3. haste, rush, precipitation; confusion, agitation, disquietude, perturbation, fidgetiness, dither, jitters, Inf. stew, Inf. sweat, Inf. cold sweat; flurry, flutter, fuss, furor, ruffle, turmoil, commotion; stir, whirl, pother, Dial, feeze, ferment; scurry, scampering, dash; harum-scarum, hurry-scurry, pell-mell, helter-skelter, bustle, ado, hubbub; impatience, eagerness, anxiety, urgency.
4. velocity, speed, rapidity, dispatch, celerity, quickness, expedition, promptitude, hastiness, hurry-scurry, n. 1. haste, rush, precipitation; confusion, disorder; agitation, perturbation, disquietude, fidgetiness, dither, jitters, Inf. stew, Inf. sweat, Inf. cold sweat; flurry, flutter, fuss, furor, ruffle, turmoil, commotion; stir, whirl, pother, Dial, feeze, ferment; scurry, scampering, scramble, dash; hubbub, ado, hurly-burly, Archaic, harum-scarum, pell-mell, helter-skelter; rumpus, racket, ruckus, melee, pandemonium. -adv. 2. hurriedly, hastily, precipitately; confusedly, disorderedly; headlong, harum-scarum, helter-skelter, pell-mell, head over heels, holus-bolus, Inf. slam-bang; rashly, carelessly, heedlessly, recklessly, riotously, tumultuously, turbulently, agitatedly.
-adj. 3. hurried, hasty, rushed, precipitate; confused, disorderly, chaotic, bustling, scrambling; holus-bolus, hugger-mugger, hurly-burly, harum-scarum, helter-skelter, pell-mell, head over heels; rash, careless, heedless, reckless, riotous, tumultuous, turbulent, agitated.
-v. 4. rush or go hurry-scurry. See hurry (def. 1). hurt, v. 1. ache, smart, burn, sting, bite, nip, pinch, gripe; gnaw, grind, grate, rasp, chafe; throb, palpitate, tingle.
2. injure, wound; cut, scratch, prick, pierce, stab, lancinate; bruise, sprain, strain; beat, pommel, batter, pound, lay on, drub; cudgel, club, bludgeon, hammer, blackjack, baste, Inf. lambaste, bastinado; sandbag, buffet, box, punch; strike, smite, hit.
3. whip, thrash, Inf. lace, flog, flail, flagellate; strap, belt, cane, birch; spank, Archaic, swinge, trounce; chastise, punish.
4. abuse, maltreat, ill-treat, ill-use, misuse, do violence to; manhandle, maul, mangle, mutilate, SI. lay into, maim, scar; lame, cripple, becripple, hamstring; disable, incapacitate, debilitate.
5. pain, torment, anguish, agonize, torture, rack, excruciate; aggrieve, grieve, sorrow, sadden, despond, dishearten, depress; scathe, cut to the quick, cut to the heart, wound the feelings; insult, affront, give offense, give umbrage; snap at, assail, bite the hand that feeds one.
6. harrow, distress, discommode, afflict; faze, shake, unstring, discompose.
7. spoil, harm, impair, disqualify, unfit; mar, damage, vitiate, Law. damnify; blemish, blight, blunt, dull, crack, craze; break, break up, break apart, fragmentize, burst; smash, smash to smithereens, shatter; devastate, lay waste, make waste, desolate; pillage, ravage, despoil.
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