-n. 3. swashbuckling, vainglory, pomp, ostentation, show, display, parade; bluster, gasconade, braggadocio, brag, boastfulness, fanfaronade, Sl. hot air; arrogance, haughtiness, snobbishness, Inf snootiness, Inf. highfalutin manner, pomposity,
swaggerer, n. 1. swashbuckler, swasher, strutter, blusterer, Brit. Sl. bucko, bully, cock of the walk; snob, dandy, prig, coxcomb, fop; braggart, braggadocio, gascon, boaster, fanfaron, Sl. blowhard, Sl. gasbag, Sl. hot-air artist; blatherskite, Sl. windbag, Sl. bigmouth, loud-mouth.
swain, n. 1. lover, suitor, beau, inamorato, gallant, admirer, adorer, idolizer; boyfriend, young man, Romeo, flame, fiancd, intended.
2. country boy, country cousin, yokel, rustic, Archaic. hind, country bumpkin, clodhopper, bogtrotter, Inf. hayseed, Inf. hick, Sl. rube,
swallow, v. 1. gulp, guzzle, digest, engorge; eat, sup, down, Archaic, manducate; pop, drop; bolt, snap up, wolf down, dispatch, put down or away; drink, imbibe, quaff, belt, swill, swig; tipple, tope, toss off, throw back, knock back, Sl. chug-a-lug; ingest, intake, take in, suck up, tuck away.
2. Usu.
swallow up absorb, assimilate, engross, soak up, mop up; engulf, swamp, overwhelm, whelm, flood, inundate; consume, devour, ingurgitate, ingulf.
3. Informal, accept, take, take the bait, lap up, suck up; take for granted, take on faith, believe anything; fall for, swallow whole, swallow hook, line and sinker, be a sucker for; take one's word, Sl. buy, Inf take as gospel truth, trust, take stock in, credit.
4. put up with, tolerate, bear, grin and bear it, suffer, live with; stomach, stand, abide, take, pocket; brook, brave, endure; ignore, disregard, turn a blind eye to.
-n. 5. gulp, Physiol, deglutition, ingestion, imbibition; ingurgitation, engorgement; consumption, absorption, assimilation; eating, drinking.
6. mouthful, bite, nibble, munch, snap, cud, tidbit, gobbet, Sl. gob, bolus; spoonful, sippet, driblet, dose; drink, draught, shot, dram, belt, Inf. swig, Sl. swill; sip, nip, suck, Inf pull, Inf. chug; tot, Sl. snort, Sl. slurp, Sl. guzzle,
swamp, n. 1. marsh, bog, fen, morass, quagmire, quag, Archaic, marish; mire, quicksand, mud, muck, ooze, sludge; sough, slough, Brit. Dial, sump, Scot. moss, wash, squash, wallow; flat, mud flat, everglade, peat bog, moor, Chiefly Brit, moorland; bottom land, swampland, fenland, marshland, forest swamp.
-v. 2. flood, inundate, deluge, pour down, teem, stream; drench, soak, saturate, douse; splash, wet, water, hose; wash out, mop, swab, bathe.
3. overwhelm, whelm, engulf, swallow up; oversupply, abound, flush; overburden, overcharge, overweigh, oppress, prostrate; stagger, bow, crush, overload, overtax, weigh down.
4. immerse, submerge, submerse, drown, plunge in, sink in.
swampy, adj. marshy, quaggy, boggy, fenny, Archaic. marish; mucky, sludgy, muddy, oozy, miry, quagmiry, sloughy; paludal, moory, squashy, spongy; poachy, plashy, slobby, squishy, slushy; soggy, pulpy, mushy, loamy, soft; soaking, watery, Archaic, irriguous.
swanky, adj. Informal. 1. stylish, smart, chic, fashionable, swank; dashing, dashy, showy, splashy; ostentatious, garish, gaudy.