Synonyms Dictionary
38. on the make a. Informal, increasing, adding to; advancing, rising, on the rise, up and coming, b. Slang, on the prowl, SI. mashing, SI. tomcatting, hustling. make-believe, n. 1. fantasy, fabrication, concoction, invention, creation; figment, fiction, fable; pretense, masquerade, disguise, feigning, pretending; sham, counterfeit, fake, simulation, falsification.
-adj. 2. fictitious, imaginary, made-up, unreal, fantastic, illusory; pretended, feigned, assumed; fabricated, trumped up, invented, created; sham, mock, pseudo, pinchbeck, fake, false, spurious, simulated, counterfeited.
maker, n. 1. author, composer; artist, architect, builder, constructor, former, forger, framer; manufacturer, producer, cause, agent, doer.
2. Maker God, Father, Creator, Author of all things, Maker of Heaven and Earth, Prime Mover, First Cause. See God (def 1). makeshift, n. 1. stopgap, temporary, expedient, make-do, arrangement; improvisation, contrivance; jury rig; substitute, succedaneum; last resort, Fr. pis-aller.
-adj. 2. emergency, on-the-spot, unplanned, un designed, unarranged, unconsidered; haphazard, Inf. sloppy, slapdash, thrown-together; temporary, provisional, tentative, stand-by, impermanent; jury, improvised, contrived; ersatz, artificial, synthetic. make-up, n. 1. cosmetics; rouge, blusher, highlighter, powder, pancake, Inf. gunk, Theat. grease paint; eyeshadow, eyeliner, mascara, eyebrow pencil; lipstick, lip gloss.
2. constitution, composition, arrangement, formation; form, build, construction, structure, configuration; fabric, texture. making, n. 1. building, construction, formation, fabrication, manufacture, production; invention, creation, composition.
2. constitution, structure, make-up. See make-up (def 2).
3. Usu. makings capacity, potential, potentiality, potency, possibility; ability, faculty. maladjusted, adj. 1. unadjusted, unconformed, maladapted, unadapted, unhabituated; unsuited, unfitted.
2. mixed-up, confused, muddled, messed up, SI. screwed up, SI. untogether, SI. not straight. maladministration, n. mismanagement, misgovern-ment, misdirection, misrule, misconduct, Chiefly Law. malversation; misapplication, mistake, bungling, blunder; impolicy, bad policy, inexpediency; incompetence, incompetency, inefficiency, ineffectiveness, ineffectuality, inefectualness. maladroit, adj. 1. unskillful, unskilled, inexpert, Fr. inhabile, inept, unhandy; unapt, unfit, unsuited, unqualified; incompetent, uncompetent, inefficient, Inf. no-good.
2. awkward, clumsy, like a bull in a china shop, SI. klutzy, bumbling, bungling, left-handed, ambisinister, all thumbs, butterfingered; ungraceful, ungainly, inelegant, graceless; oafish, doltish, cloddish, lumbering, heavy-footed, lubberly, loutish; boorish, churlish, uncouth, ill-mannered, rustic, rough, unpolished, coarse, crude, rude, gross, crass; thoughtless, insensitive, inconsiderate, tactless, gauche, untoward, inappropriate, unfitting. malady, n. disease, disorder, distemper, Pathol. affection, affliction; illness, sickness, ailment, complaint, indisposition; weakness, malaise, feebleness, infirmity, invalidism, valetudinarianism; disability, handicap; pain, hurt, ache, wound; infection, Inf. virus, Inf. bug, fever, temperature, Inf. temp; contagion, plague, pestilence; mental disorder, derangement, neurosis, psychosis, insanity, madness.
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