successive, adj. 1. consecutive, serial, seriate, seriatum, in a series, one after the other, in a row, side by side; back to back, uninterrupted, without a break, unbroken, continuous, nonstop; in sequence, step-by-step, progressive, regular, in order, orderly, ordinal, 1-2-3, consequent, logical; direct, lineal, in a line.
2. next, next in line, sequential, sequent, succeeding, subsequent, following, ensuing; adjacent, next-door, neighboring, bordering, contiguous, adjoining, attached; immediate, closest, nearest, proximate.
successor, n. 1. heir, inheritor, heritor, heir apparent, heir at law, heiress, heritress, inheritrix; coheir, coheiress, joint heir, Law. parcener; follower, Inf. next in line; replacement, substitute; beneficiary, recipient, receiver, devisee, legatee, Law. reversioner; Law. donee.
2. dispossessor, supplanter, usurper.
3. descendant, scion, offspring; children, progeny, brood, spawn, issue, seed, posterity, future generations.
succinct, adj. 1. concise, brief, short, written in a few well-chosen words, short and sweet, tight, neat; terse, pithy, meaty, epigrammatic, sententious; direct, straightforward, to the point, pointed; cryptic, shorthand, coded; clipped, cut short, Yankee, abrupt; curt, brusque, crisp, military, brisk, fast.
2. compact, capsule, condensed, compressed, compendious, synoptic, summary, summarized; abridged, abbreviated, shortened, curtailed, pocket-sized, traveling.
succor, n. 1. aid, assistance, help, a helping hand, support, reinforcement; relief, a rest, a break, a breather; ministration, ministry, treatment, therapy; care, tender loving care, TLC, comfort, consolation, solace, a lift, a boost, a shot in the arm.
2. lifesaver, savior, rescuer, the cavalry; aid, aide, aider, abettor, helper, helpmate, helpmeet, assistant, auxiliary, coadjutor, coadjutress, coadjutrix, coadjutant, right hand, right-hand man, gal or man Friday, Mil. aide-de-camp; relief, reinforcement, substitute, Inf. sub, backup, fill-in, stand-in, replacement; pain-reliever, succorer, ministrant, nurse, doctor, therapist; comforter, consoler, solacer, shoulder to cry on; friend, friend in need, ally, supporter, good Samaritan, Inf. fairy godmother.
-v. 3. aid, come to [s.o.'s] aid, render assistance to, assist, help out, help, lend a helping hand, support, back up, reinforce; come to [s.o.'s] rescue, rescue [s.o.] from [s.t.], save, liberate, deliver; disburden, relieve, give [s.o.] a rest, give [s.o.] a break, fill in for, substitute for, take [s.o.'s] place, take over for, replace; care for, take care of, attend to, minister to, nurse, doctor, treat.
succulent, adj. 1. juicy, full of juice, sappy, dripping; soft, doughy, spongy, pappy, mushy; (all of plants) fleshy, pithy, pulpy, pulpous, pulpal, pulplike, pulpaceous.
2. rich, rich in vitamins and minerals, nutritious, nutritive, nourishing, good for you, healthy, healthful, salubrious.
succumb, v. 1. yield, give way, submit, give in, admit, concede; surrender, give up, capitulate, admit defeat, cry or say uncle, throw in the towel or sponge, lay down one's arms, strike one's colors; draw in one's horns, put one's tail between one's legs, retreat, back off or down, withdraw, retire.
2. deteriorate, worsen, go downhill, fail, go under or down; die, expire, decease, perish, SI. bite the dust, SI. kick the bucket, SI. kick in; give up the ghost, breathe one's last, draw one's last breath, SI. croak; pass away or on, go the way of all flesh, pay the debt of nature, pay Charon, SI. cash in, SI. cash in one's chips, SI. turn up one's toes; go to one's reward, go to one's resting place, go to one's last home, go the happy hunting ground, leave this world, Euph. go west,
such, adj. of that kind, of that sort, of that type, suchlike; like, similar, akin, kindred; corresponding, resembling, representing,
suck, v. 1. (all in reference to or by means of the mouth) draw into, take in; pull at, extract; dissolve, absorb.