have a heart be kind, be considerate, be sympathetic, be compassionate, be merciful, be lenient.
have one's heart set on want, want in the worst way, be willing to do anything for, be bent upon, long for, wish for.
heart and soul a. heartily, cordially, wholeheartedly, from the bottom of one's heart; willingly, gladly, eagerly, with open arms.
b. thoroughly, through and through, root and branch, head and shoulders, from the ground up.
lose one's heart to fall in love with, fall head over heels in love with, fall for, take to, cotton to, take a liking or fancy to.
set one's heart against oppose, go against, resist.
20. take heart cheer up, brighten up, perk up; snap out of it, come out of it; regain one's courage, become heartened.
21. take or
lay to heart a. consider seriously, think over.
b. take the wrong way, take personally, take offense.
to one's heart's content as long or as much as one pleases, until one has had enough.
with one's heart in one's mouth fearfully, apprehensively, with fear and trembling, with bated breath.
heartache, n. 1. sorrow, grief, Archaic, dole, sadness, woe, ruth, heartbreak; anguish, misery, Archaic. bale, dolor; wretchedness, heaviness of heart, desolation, despair, slough of despair, moroseness, melancholy, dejection, despondency; ache, pain, hurt, suffering, Archaic, teen; torment, torture, agony.
2. distress, affliction, disquiet, disquietude; regret, rue, remorse, repentance, contrition, penitence, compunction.
heartbreak, n. sorrow, grief, anguish. See - heartache (def. 1).
heartbreaking, adj. heartrending, tragic, sad, pitiful, poignant; disheartening, depressing, distressing, desolating; agonizing, tortuous, torturing, racking, painful; raw, sharp, cutting, bitter, biting, acute, severe, intense; insufferable, unbearable, unendurable; anguishing, excruciating, plaguing, harrowing, rending; tormenting, persecuting, afflictive; consuming, crushing, oppressive, heavy, cruel, harsh.
heartbroken, adj. downcast, dejected, disheartened, dispirited, downhearted, down; crestfallen, disappointed, broken-hearted, heartsick, dismayed, daunted, discouraged; miserable, morose, woebegone, heavy-hearted, disconsolate, sorrowful, mournful, lachrymose, funereal; depressed, weighed down, burdened, crushed, Inf. broken, SI. bummed out; despondent, spiritless, lifeless, enervated, weakened, weary, tired, drained; unhappy, cheerless, glum, gloomy, doleful.
heartburn, n. 1. Pathology, indigestion, dyspepsia, stomach upset, gastric distress, brash, cardialgia, pyrosis, water brash.
2. envy, jealousy, resentment, grudge, begrudging, green-eyed monster, enviousness; discontentment, malcontentedness, dissatisfaction, unhappiness, heartburning.
heartburning, n. 1. envy, jealousy, resentment, heartburn, grudge. See - heartburn (def. 2).
2. animosity, ill will, hostility, invidiousness, abhorrence, aversion; antipathy, rancor, enmity, animus, loathing, hatred, detestation; anger, pique, malice, spite, antagonism.
hearten, v. cheer, cheer up, console, comfort, Archaic. recomfort; inspirit, Inf. pep up, buoy up, raise [s.o.'s] spirits, pluck up, give [s.o.] a lift; gladden, en-hearten, embolden; fortify, strengthen, restore, revi-