wheel; ring, hoop, band, annulus, annulation; sphere, globe, ball, orb, bulb, spherule, globule, bead, drop, Geom. spheroid; hemisphere, semicircle, half-circle, half-moon, crescent; curve, arch, vault, bow, Both Geom. parabola, conic section.
10. cylinder, tube, spool, bobbin, reel, roller; dowel, pole, rung.
11. Sometimes rounds sequence, chain, catena; succession, progression, procession, train, string; set, collection, bunch; period, session, sitting, bout, spell, turn.
12. Often rounds circuit, ambit, compass, lap, perambulation; beat, route, routine, course, path, run, track, itinerary; watch, jurisdiction, area, region; trip, journey, travels, voyage, tour.
13. revolution, roll, rotation, circumrotation, orbit, trajectory; circumference, perimeter, outline; spin, circumgyration, whirl, twirl, pirouette, pivot, turn. -adv. 14. through, throughout, from beginning to end, from start to finish, from first to last, from A to Z, from head to toe, from tip to toe; on all sides, all over, everywhere, everywhere one looks, in all parts or every part.
15. around, in a circle or ring, circularly, in a circuit; circumferentially, perimetrically, on the outside.
-prep. 16. throughout, through, all over, in all parts of, here and there in; during, over the course of.
17. around, near, nigh, in the vicinity or neighborhood or area of, close to, not far from; about, approximately, roughly, somewhere in the vicinity or neighborhood or area of.
-v. 18. curve, incurve, incurvate, camber; bend, arch, bow, Archit. embow; take the edge off of, smooth, rub down, polish, buff.
19. Often round off or out complement, supplement, implete, fill in or out, enrich, enhance, embellish, adorn; bring to completion, complete, finish, conclude, finalize, terminate, close, end; bring to perfection, perfect, refine; consummate, crown, culminate, cap, top off.
20. encircle, encompass, hoop, gird, girdle, engird, belt, ring, span; circumscribe, outline, delineate, demarcate, mark off, define, delimit, stake out; surround, embrace, enclose, environ, rope off, hem or hedge or fence in, confine; circumvent, entrap, ensnare.
21. circle, compass, revolve or rotate around, cir-cumrotate, orbit, circumnavigate, circumambulate, circuit; circulate, make the circuit, make a complete trip. roundabout, adj. winding, turning, twisting, crooked, zigzag, helical, labyrinthine, mazelike; sinuous, serpentine, tortuous, anfractuous; circuitous, indirect, ambagious, circular; circumlocutory, circumlocutional, circumlocutionary, periphrastic, rambling, wandering, meandering, desultory, digressive, excursive, sidetracked, stray; discursive, loose, long-winded, long, drawn-out, never-ending. rouse, v. 1. arouse, call, summon; actuate, initiate, put in motion; stimulate, animate, reanimate, whet, invigorate, motivate, inspirit, inspire, galvanize, electrify; vivify, rally, revive, enliven, liven up, awaken, shake up, jolt, jog; impel, induce, compel, move, press, drive, stir, fillip; alarm, startle, disturb, impress.
2. incite, provoke, prod, prick, goad, prompt, spur; encourage, urge, abet, egg on, put up to; instigate, stir up, work up, wind up, whip up, hype up, Inf. turn on; foment, agitate, suscitate, excite, impassion; fire up, inflame, enflame, enkindle, kindle, touch off, ignite the spark, build a fire under, stir the embers, fan the fire.