surface. See - surface.
superfluity, n. 1. excessiveness, redundancy, redundance, superfluousness; immoderacy, immoderateness, extravagance, extravagancy, exuberance, lavishness, lushness, rankness, profuseness, profusiveness; inordinateness, Obs. inordinacy, exorbitance, exorbitancy, fulsomeness; overliberality, overliberalness, overgenerosity, overgenerousness, overlavishness.
2. needlessness, unnecessariness, unwarrantedness; unessentiality, inessentiality, nonessentiality, extraneousness, dispensability, dispensableness, gratuitousness; uselessness, worthlessness, valuelessness.
3. superabundance, spare, extra, remainder, residual; overflow, spillover, runoff; surplus, surfeit, glut. See - superabundance (defs. 1, 2).
4. luxury, finery, frill or frills, frillery, frilliness, frills and furbelows.
superfluous, adj. 1. excessive, in excess, excess, redundant, supererogatory, supererogative; immoderate, extravagant, exuberant, lavish, profuse, profu-sive; inordinate, exorbitant, fulsome, beyond all bounds; extreme, in extreme, superlative, overblown, overgrown, overmuch; overliberal, overgenerous, overlavish, too much, too many.
2. superabundant, overabundant, plethoric, overfull, overflowing, flowing over, overspilling, spilling over, running over, welling over; extra, spare, surplus, residuary; over and above, more than enough, more than adequate, more than one needs, enough and to spare, enough and then some.
3. unnecessary, unneeded, needless, uncalled-for, unwarranted, unrequired; unessential, inessential, nonessential, extraneous, dispensable, gratuitous; useless, of no use, worthless, valueless, Inf. no go.
superhuman, adj. 1. supernatural, preternatural, preterhuman, paranormal, otherworldly, extraterrestrial, supermundane, hyperphysical; divine, godlike, transcendent, almighty, omnipotent, all-knowing, omniscient, supernal, supreme, lofty, exalted.
2. herculean, courageous, brave, valiant, valorous, heroic; daring, death-defying; extraordinary, unheard-of, unexplainable, unbelievable, amazing, phenomenal, miraculous.
superimpose, v. place on or over, lay on or over, set on or over, superpose; bring in, add, superinduce; cover, face, coat, veneer, plate, pave.
superintend, v. oversee, administer, direct, manage, run, look after, supervise. See - supervise.
superintendence, n. oversight, direction, management, control, guidance, care, supervision. See - supervision.
superintendent, n. 1. overseer, director, manager, boss, administrator, advisor, supervisor. See - supervisor.
2. rent collector, Inf. super; doorkeeper, doorman, (esp. in France) concierge; elevator man; janitor, custodian, maintenance man.
superior, adj. 1. excellent, first-rate, of the first order, capital, Inf. tiptop, Inf. jim-dandy, Inf A-l, Inf. A number 1; extraordinary, SI. bang-up, very remarkable, SI. bang-up, Inf. smashing, marvelous, wonderful, splendid, Brit. SI. ripping; Inf. great, Inf. super, SI. tuff.
2. exceptional, standout, outstanding, striking; superlative, supreme, transcendent, sovereign, high-class, the best; matchless, peerless, nonpareil, perfect, sterling, classic, first-class; choice, prime, select, very good, Australian SI. bosker, Scot. and North Eng. braw; fine, admirable, Inf. topnotch, Inf. of the first water, worthy, estimable, notable, noteworthy.
3. pretentious, snobby, condescending, Inf. holier-than-thou, sanctimonious.