committee, n. council, board, cabinet, panel, chamber, advisory group, advisers, deliberative body, jury; commission, mission, task force, assignees, detail, work party or force.
commix, v. mix, admix, intermix, blend. See - commingle.
commixture, n. mixture, mixing, admixture, intermixture, blend, blending; mingling, intermingling, commingling; intertwining, interweaving, interlarding; compound, compounding, alloy, alloying, Chem. levigation, merging, coalescence, uniting; junction, union, fusion, fusing, interfusion, synthesis; combination, amalgamation, assimilation, incorporation.
commode, n. 1. buffet, sideboard, vitrine, china cabinet or closet, cabinet, cupboard, U.S. Furniture. lowboy, Chiefly Brit, dressing table; dresser, vanity, washstand; chest of drawers, chiffonier, clothespress, U.S. bureau.
2. toilet, potty, lavatory, outhouse, latrine, privy, SI. john, Naut. head, Chiefly Brit, water closet, Chiefly Brit. w.c.
commodious, adj. 1. spacious, capacious, roomy, loose, loose-fitting, big, large, huge, great, vast, extensive; comfortable, Inf. comfy, cozy, snug, homelike, Inf. homey, livable, habitable, pleasant, SI. cushy; accommodating, convenient, conducive, appropriate, apt, suitable, well-suited, fitting, favorable.
2. ample, liberal, more than enough, abundant, plentiful, copious, profuse; commensurate, enough, adequate, sufficient, satisfactory.
commodity, n. 1. thing, item, article, product, article of merchandise, ware, staple.
2. commodities a. goods, wares, stock in trade, vendibles, items of trade; produce, farm products,
b. estate, belongings, chattels, capital, stock; resources, holdings, assets, property.
common, adj. 1. mutual, collective, correlative, communal; reciprocal, interchangeable, interactive, correspondent, complementary, Archaic, commutal; joint, shared, parallel, twin, fellow; united, unified, consensual, concerted, unanimous.
2. public, community, civic, civil; state, national, international; social, societal, generic, racial.
3. widespread, general, universal, world-wide; ordinary, usual, conventional; prevailing, current, popular; customary, wonted, accustomed, habitual, routine, repeated, recurrent; established, acknowledged; ritual, traditional, orthodox, consuetudinary, Inf according to Hoyle, Inf. S.O.P.; received, approved, understood; familiar, known, everyday, daily, average, normal, standard, Inf G.l.
4. ordinary, plain, simple; native, domestic, homespun, garden-variety, run-of-the-mill, household, commonplace; homely, salt-of-the-earth, workday; vernacular, colloquial, informal, prosaic, pedestrian, plebeian, bourgeois, provincial; subordinate, minor, indistinguished, insignificant, inferior, of no value, worthless, low-bred, low-brow, ill-bred; nameless, ignominious, inglorious, ignoble, SI. cottonpicking, SI. no great shakes.
5. hackneyed, trite, stale, oft-repeated, oft met with, expected; overused, worn-out, well-trodden, in the beaten path; mediocre, indifferent, middling, indiscriminate, stock, unexceptional, Inf. dime-a-dozen.
6. mean, low, vile, cheap, base, lewd, depraved; indelicate, gross, trashy, tawdry; odious, low-minded, unseemly, of the street; coarse, vulgar, poor, shabby, ignoble; untutored, illiterate, uncouth, ill-mannered, uncultured, unrefined, unwashed, Philistine.