torment, v. 1. agonize, excruciate, torture, rack, martyr, crucify; pain, hurt, scathe, lacerate, wring, put someone through the wringer; persecute, abuse, beat, Archaic, belabor.
2. anguish, distress, harrow, worry, trouble, disturb, Scot. fash; afflict, plague, vex, annoy, beleaguer, harass, harry, hector, badger, hound, bother, pester, Brit, chevy; exasperate, aggravate, irritate, gall, rub, chafe, roil, Chiefly U.S. rile, Inf. drive up the wall; provoke, needle, nettle, bullyrag, tease, Brit. rag.
3. perturb, upset, derange, agitate, convulse, toss, rattle, shake up, stir up; confuse, addle, muddle, Inf. drive crazy; unnerve, discompose, ruffle, fluster, disconcert, discomfit, disquiet, Inf. faze.
-n. 4. agony, misery, suffering, wretchedness, martyrdom; pain, hurt, wound, sting, pang; anguish, distress, woe, tribulation, trouble, hell.
5. torture, infliction, rack, lancination; atrocity, ag-grievement, outrage, wrong.
6. affliction, plague, adversity, scourge, curse, thorn; irritation, aggravation, vexation, annoyancy, thorn in one's flesh or side; nuisance, rub, chafe, bother, pest, pain in the neck.
tornado, n. cyclone, windstorm, storm, gale, gust, squall, blast, simoom, samiel, sirocco, whirlwind; hurricane, typhoon, tempest, twister, waterspout; monsoon.
torpid, adj. 1. sluggish, stagnant, slow, slow-moving, slow-going, snail-paced, moving at a snail's pace, Inf. poky.
2. lethargic, phlegmatic, heavy, dull, languid, languorous, hebetudinous, lentitudinous, SI. dopey; listless, spiritless, passive, apathetic; indolent, otiose, lazy, idle, slothful, faineant; lackadaisical, insouciant, pococurante, Dial, limpsy.
3. inactive, supine, dormant, dormient, latent, sleeping. resting; inert, lifeless, inanimate, dead.
torpor, n. 1. inactivity, inertia, stagnation, supineness, Archaic, lentitude, (in the Middle East) kef; lifelessness, inanimateness, inanimation, deadness.
2. dormancy, dormience, latency; sleepiness, slumber, drowsiness, doziness, somnolence.
3. lethargy, phlegm, heaviness, dullness, sluggishness, languor, languidness, languorousness, laggardness, Archaic, languishment; listlessness, spiritlessness, passiveness, apathy, indifference, Inf. the blahs.
4. laziness, idleness, indolence, sloth, slothfulness, acedia, faindance, otiosity; insouciance, lackadaisicalness, pococurantism.
torrent, n. 1. strong current, rapids, white water; flood, deluge, inundation, alluvion; freshet, flash flood, spate; overflow, spillover; cataract, waterfall, cascade; cloudburst, downpour; gullywasher, Inf. gullywhomper, monsoon.
2. stream, flow, rush, flush, outpour, outpouring, gush, effusion; succession, battery, barrage, volley, outburst, burst.
torrid, adj. 1. tropical, hot, sultry, humid, steamy, steaming, muggy; sweltry, sweltering, blistering, parching, arid; boiling, sizzling, blazing, scorching; stifling, ovenlike, baking, burning, roasting; fiery, calescent, piping hot, red-hot.
2. ardent, passionate, impassioned, fervent, fervid, perfervid, inflamed, kindled; lusty, lustful, amorous, amatory, erotic, sexual.
tortuosity, n. 1. crookedness, twistedness, anfrac-tuosity, sinuousness, tortuousness; sinuosity, curve, bend, turn, crook, twist, convolution; maze, labyrinth.
2. indirectness, circuitousness, ambagiousness, evasiveness, unstraightforwardness; deviousness, dishonesty, deceitfulness, underhandedness, surrepti-