surely, adv.
1. firmly, confidently, securely; surefootedly, unerringly, unswervingly, undeviatingly, unhesitatingly, unfalteringly, unwaveringly; steadily, determinedly, doggedly.
2. undoubtedly, indubitably, doubtless, doubtlessly; unquestionably, positively, absolutely, unequivocally, beyond question, beyond a doubt, beyond the shadow of a doubt; certainly, decidedly, definitely, assuredly.
3. inevitably, unavoidably, inescapably, unfailingly; unalterably, invariably, inexorably. -interj.
4. yes, OK, of course, certainly, Archaic. certes, to be sure, by all means, SI. yup, SI. yessir, SI. yessiree.
surety, n.1. security, indemnity, assurance, insurance, guarantee, pledge, warranty, warrant; bond, bail, Law.replevin, Law.escrow, Marine Law.
bottomry; gage, earnest, stake, deposit, money in advance, collateral; hostage, pawn, hock; contract, vow, troth, word, word of honor, verbal agreement.
2. sponsor, guarantor, warrantor, insurer, mortgagor, bondsman, bailsman; godparent, godfather, godmother; cosigner, countersigner; guardian, trustee, custodian, warder.
3. certainty, certitude, sureness, freedom from doubt; confidence, assurance, reassurance, self-assurance, assuredness; conviction, belief, confidence, reliance, trust; positiveness, dogmatism, unshakableness.
4. absoluteness, unequivocalness, unquestionableness, indisputability, unmistakability; indubitability, doubtlessness, incontrovertibility, irrefutability, ir-refragibility, incontestability; definiteness, conclusiveness, definitiveness, unimpeachability.
5. secureness, security, safety, safeness, invulnerability, impregnability; dependability, reliability, trustworthiness, trustiness; stability, firmness, steadfastness, steadiness.
surf, n.waves, rollers, whitecaps, white horses; billows, swells, surge, rise, welling up; breakers, beachcombers, combers; tide, influx, flowing in; ocean or sea spray, foam, spindrift, spume; tidemark, residue, scum.
surface, n.exterior, superficies, outside, externals, superficiality; veneer, facade, appearance, aspect, face; integument, skin, covering, shell, carapace; superstratum, finish, coat, coating, crust, top.
surfeit, n.1. excess, surplus, oversupply, glut, nimiety, SI. bellyful, overdose, too much; superabundance, overabundance, exuberance, superfluity, waste; supersaturation, saturation, flood, deluge, inundation, overflow, avalanche; copiousness, profuseness, profusion, luxuriance, lavishness; abundance, plethora, prodigality.
2. fullness, repletion, satiation, satiety; cloyedness, overfullness, overindulgence; disgust, revulsion, nausea. -v. 3. satiate, pall, overfill, overdo, indulge; cloy, glut, englut, stuff, cram, gorge, overfeed, overeat, SI. pig out, SI. munch out, SI. stuff one's face; saturate, soak, drench, flood, deluge, engulf, inundate; overload, overburden, overwhelm; suffocate, choke, gag, sicken, nauseate, disgust; jade, dull, deaden, weary, exhaust, tire, bore.
surge, n.1. gush, rush, stream, flow, efflux, effusion, outpouring; upsurge, rise, ascension, upsweep, upcurve, uptrend, ungrowth, upgoing; increase, acceleration, inflation, escalation, intensification; takeoff, rocketing, soaring, skyrocketing.
2. swell, welling up; billow, wave, roller, whitecap, white horse, breaker, beachcomber, comber; sea, ocean, tide, influx.