2. before now, before this time, heretofore, since; of old, of yore, aforetime, anciently, Archaic. agone; in the past, in time gone by, formerly, once, Archaic.erst orerstwhile,
agog, adj.1. eager, anxious, keen, expectant, anticipatory, breathless, desirous, SI.itchy Inf.psyched or psyched up; agape, open-mouthed, Inf.ready and raring, on tiptoe, on pins and needles; excited, aroused, enthusiastic; ready, alert, vigilant, watchful, wakeful, open-eyed.
2. excitedly, eagerly, enthusiastically, keenly, agape, in eager anticipation, with bated breath, on the edge of one's seat; nervously, anxiously, impatiently,
agonize, v. 1. suffer, writhe, bleed, go through hell, be in misery.
2. struggle, wrestle, grapple, fight with; labor, toil, strive, strain, exert oneself, exercise oneself, work on; pour over, worry over, trouble oneself over, lose sleep over, SI.beat one's brains out.
3. torture, excruciate, rack, put someone on the rack, martyr, crucify; pain, hurt, scathe, lacerate, put someone through the wringer; torment, persecute, abuse, beat, SI.work over, SI.give someone the works, Archaic.belabor; anguish, distress, grieve, afflict, plague, harrow, rend, worry, trouble, disturb, Scot.
agonizing, adj.torturous, excruciating, racking, tormenting, abusive; painful, hurtful, scathing, wringing, grievous; woeful, distressing, plaguing, harrowing, rending, troubling, disturbing,
agony, n.1. suffering, misery, wretchedness, martyrdom; pain, hurt, wound, sting, pang; anguish, distress, woe, harrowment, tribulation, trouble, hell.
2. rapture, ecstasy, raptus, bliss, beatitude; exaltation, elation, transport; paroxysm, throe, spasm, convulsion.
3. struggle, conflict, battle, fight, contest, agon; wrestle, wrestling, grappling.
agrarian, adj.1. landed, praedial, real.
2. agricultural, geoponic, agronomic, agronomical, pedological.
3. rural, country, nonurban, agrestic; georgic, pastoral, rustic, bucolic.
4. field, pastural, compestral, Bot.
terrestrial; wild, feral, ferine, uncultivated, undomesticated, untamed.
agree, v. 1. (often fol. by
with) concur, accord, harmonize, think alike, be of one mind; admit, grant, allow, approve, accept, go along with. Inf.take to, Inf cotton to, Inf.buy; yield, comply with, abide by, assent, accede, acquiesce, side with, concede, consent; acknowledge, recognize, Archaic, agnize, subscribe to, fall in with, SI.string along with.
2. (often fol. by
to) give consent, yield assent, promise; contract, bargain, compact, covenant, make an agreement; undertake, engage, stipulate for, bind oneself, pledge one's word, give assurance, take upon oneself.
3. (often fol. by
with) coincide, correspond, conform to, tally, comport, Inf.gee, jibe, be in unison, stand, chime in; fit, suit, match, resemble, be appropriate, Brit. Dial,
fadge; dovetail, square, equal, parallel.
4. compromise, reconcile, arrive at a settlement;