intermingle, v. mingle, commingle, mix, commix, intermix, blend; compound, combine, confound; unite, fuse, amalgamate, incorporate; interweave, interlace, intertwine, interfuse, intersperse,
intermission, n. interim, interval, interlude, entr'acte, intermittence, interregnum; rest, pause, respite, lull, recess, Inf. breather, time-out; break, interruption, delay, holdup; suspension, remission, letup; pendency, abeyance, quiescence, latency, dormancy; (all temporary) stop, halt, arrest, breaking off, stay, stand, standstill, cessation, cease, abruption, discontinuance, discontinuation, desistance.
intermit, v. 1. (all temporarily) discontinue, suspend, end, halt, stay, arrest, terminate, put an end to, have done with.
2. pause, recess, break, take a break, take a breather, take time out, take five, rest on one's oars.
3. (all temporarily) cease, stop, break off, interrupt, let up, desist, Archaic, surcease, quit, leave off, finish, conclude.
intermittent, adj. fitful, spasmodic, irregular, sporadic, random, Pathol, arrhythmic; recurring, recurrent, remittent, on-again off-again, on-and-off, hot-and-cold, alternate, alternating; serial, periodic, cyclic, cyclical, seasonal; rhythmic, pulsating, punctuated; discontinuous, broken, interrupted, broken off, disconnected.
intern1, v. 1. restrict, confine, enclose, pen in or up, cage in or up, encage; shut in or up, imprison, lock up, put behind bars.
2. impound, seize, take and hold in custody, detain, keep, stay. See - imprison (defs. 1, 2).
intern2, n. 1. resident doctor, resident; All Educ. student teacher, practice teacher, pupil teacher, teaching or teacher's aide, teaching assistant, Inf. T.A., graduate assistant.
2. apprentice, journeyman, trainee, probationer; learner, pupil, student, prot£g£, disciple; novice, novitiate, beginner, tyro, neophyte, catechumen, tenderfoot, SI. greenhorn; newcomer, new member, entrant,
internal, adj. 1. interior, inside, inner, inward.
2. intrinsic, innate, natural, true, native; inborn, inherent, indwelling, immanent; inbred, ingrained, infixed, implanted.
3. domestic, civil, interior, intestine, in-house.
4. subjective, mental, psychological, in one's mind or head.
-n. 5. Usu.
internals intestines, entraiis, innards, insides, guts.
international, adj. world-wide, cosmopolitan, global, universal; general, ecumenical, nonsectarian, nondenominational.
internecine, adj. (in reference to conflict or struggle) familial, family, domestic, civil, intestine, internal, inhouse, in-group, intramural.
2. destructive, annihilative, ravaging, devastating; slaughterous, murderous, bloody, gory, sanguinary, sanguineous, bloodthirsty; deadly, mortal, extirpa-tory.
interplay, n. interaction, meshing, interweaving; reciprocal influence or action or play; reciprocity, give-and-take.