showy, adj. 1. flamboyant, ornate, elaborate, involved, Music, bravura; fancy, florid, flowery, high-wrought; conspicuous, striking, imposing, obvious.
2. ostentatious, fastuous, pretentious, doggy, affected; over-wrought, overdone, extreme, frilly, overdecorated; artificial, surface, specious; glittering, theatrical, Sl. grandstand.
3. gaudy, garish, flashy, Sl. flash, loud, bold, hard, Inf. honky-tonk; tawdry, meretricious, cheap, dime-store, tinselly, gimcrack, trashy, Inf. chintzy, Inf. tacky, Sl. rinky-dink; tasteless, in bad taste, indelicate, crude, vulgar. shred, n. 1. bit, scrap, fragment, chip; splinter, sliver, snip, snippet; wisp, rag, tatter, corner; strip, slip, band, ribbon, shaving, filament; remnant, fraction, segment, snatch; modicum, iota, whit; mite, micron, molecule, atom, trace; speck, fly speck, grain, hair; scintilla, straw, cent, farthing.
-v. 2. cut up, tear up, reduce to shreds; strip, rip, rip up, splinter, pound to shreds or splinters, shatter; grate, pulverize, powder, atomize, demolish, shrew, n. virago, termagant, harpy, fury; vixen, spitfire, she-wolf, hell-cat, tigress; haridan, witch, orgress, old cat, brimstone; hag, crone, beldam, Sl. bitch; nag, Inf biddy, Inf. old biddy; scold, common scold, fish wife; grouch, crab, grumbler; henpecker, fault-finder, rebuker, reviler, vituperator, chider, castigator, Xanthippe; complainer, caviler, whiner, Yiddish, kevtch, pest, Sl. pain in the neck, Sl. pain, Sl. old bag. shrewd, adj. 1. astute, acute, sharp, keen, Archaic. parlous, sharp as a tack; apt, agile, quick, ready, able, adept, proficient; discerning, discriminating, perceptive, perspicacious, Inf. cagey; wise, sagacious, intelligent, clever, smart, bright, luminous; ingenious, resourceful, inventive, creative, Daedalian.
2. artful, slick, quick-witted, cunning; canny, subtle, crafty, sly, wily, foxy; guileful, devious, deceitful, dishonest, crooked, unscrupulous; slippery, stealthy, tricky, scheming, designing, intriguing; circuitous, shifty, insidious; perfidious, treacherous, Machiavellian; expedient, oportunistic. shrewish, adj. ill-humored, cranky, grumbling, petulant, peevish, whining, grouchy; continually complaining, full of complaints, nitpicking; castigating, vituperating, rebuking, nagging, scolding, chiding, fault-finding; quarrelsome, contentious, vixenish; termagant, volcanic, peppery, hot-tempered, discordant; fractious, polemical, unpeaceful, troublesome, troublemaking; pugnacious, argumentative, litigious, disputatious; obstreperous, refractory, contrary, perverse, pesky; blatant, blustering, loudmouthed, vociferous, brawling, shriek, n. 1. scream, shrill, screech, screak, Scot. and North Eng. skirl, squeal, squawk; cry, shout, whoop, Inf holler, squall, yell.
-v. 2. scream, shrill, screech, screak, Scot. and North Eng. skirl, squeal, squawk; cry, shout, whoop, Inf. holler, squall, yell. shrill, adj. 1. high-pitched, high, piercing, sharp, keen, acute; screechy, shrieky, ear-piercing, harsh, stridulous; loud, ear-splitting, intense, strong, forceful.
-v. 2. shriek, scream, screech, screak. See shriek (def. 2).
-n. 3. shriek, scream, screech, screak. See shriek (def. 1). shrine, n. reliquary, repository, receptacle; tomb, sepulcher, burial chamber, mausoleum, aedicule; monument, cenotaph, (in Buddist countries) tope, stupa; church, temple, tabernacle, Archaic, fane, sanctuary, Rom. Hist, sacrarium, sacred or holy place.