Synonyms Dictionary
4. equal, match, compare with, parallel; outdo, surpass, exceed, overtop, transcend; outclass, outrank, outrate, be superior to; be a cut above, be head and shoulders above, outmatch. rivalry, n. competition, emulation, vying; contest, game, meet, meeting, match, one-on-one, tug of war; contention, challenge, opposition; bout, tournament, encounter, engagement; race, run, run for one's money; strife, struggle, conflict, clash, fight, infighting; SI. rat race, Inf. one-upmanship, Inf. keeping up with the Joneses. rive, v. 1. rend, sever, sunder, split, splinter. See rend (defs. 1, 2).
2. harrow, distress, injure, wound, tear at, tug at, Inf. discombobulate. See rend (def. 3). river, n. branch, tributary, reach, estuary, rivulet, freshet; waterway, watercourse, stream, wadi, arroyo, creek, Dial, crick; affluent, anabranch, feeder, race, cataract, cascade; flow, current, torrent, flood, spate, rapids, flux, drift; tide, onrush, run, surge, rush, gush; discharge, overflow, burst, storm; eddy, backstream, swirl, countercurrent, backflow, backwash.
rivet, n. 1. bolt, anchor, pin, tack, button.
-v. 2. fasten, secure, fasten securely, bolt down, batten, affix, clinch, pinion; attach, link, clasp, lock, fix, fix firmly, make fast, lock or bolt in place, bond.
3. concentrate on, give attention to, focus on, focus attention on, direct one's attention to, study closely, peruse carefully, examine closely; put one's mind on, brood over, be engrossed in, occupy the mind or thoughts with; scrutinize, contemplate, regard, watch, be absorbed in, give exclusive attention to; keep the eyes on, stare at, keep in sight, watch unblinkingly. rivulet, n. brook, stream, brooklet, streamlet, creek, Dial, crick, Dial, kill, rill, rindle, run, runnel, runlet, Dial, rundle, Brit. Dial, beck, Brit. Dial, gill or ghyll, Scot. and North Eng. sike or syke, Scot. and North Eng. burn or bourn or bourne; channel, branch, waterway, watercourse. road, n. 1. street, thoroughfare, main road, Inf. drag, Brit. SI. toby, artery, highroad, roadway; avenue, boulevard, concourse, strip, pavement; lane, drive, terrace, circle, row; alley, by-path, byway, byroad, by-street, side road or street.
2. highway, turnpike, pike, toll road, state highway; freeway, Brit, clearway, expressway, parkway, causeway, throughway, U.S. Inf. interstate; speedway, autobahn, superhighway.
3. way, course, method, means; route, path, avenue, lane; channel, in, entree, access, approach; admission, admittance, entrance, entry, entryway, inlet, ingress.
4. burn up the road Slang, speed, race, fly, drive fast; go like a shot, go hellbent, SI. bum rubber, go like lightning or greased lightning, outstrip the wind.
5. on the road driving, cruising, traveling, journeying, on a trip or voyage; on tour, on the circuit, on a road trip. roam, v. 1. wander, stray, range, rove, wend, drift, forage, browse; loiter, dally, dawdle, Inf. window-shop, Inf. loaf along, Inf. lallygag; straggle, prowl, stalk, cruise, shuffle along, pad along, toddle, toddle on; jaunt, traipse, bowl along, gad* gad about, flit, go aimlessly, gallivant; meander, circumambulate, stroll, saunter, perambulate.
2. wander or pass over, explore, scout, trek, walk or range over, tramp, travel, journey, traverse, cross, pass through; nomadize, peregrinate, tramp through, Inf knock about, go from pillar to post; ramble, jog along, course, trudge, plod on, wend one's way, make one's way.
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