contribute, v. donate, give, grant, bestow, accord, confer, present, endow, subsidize; provide, furnish, supply, equip, accommodate with; dispense, hand out; help, cooperate, Inf. pitch in, Inf. chip in, SI. kick in, throw in, ante or ante up; influence, advance, forward, promote; have a hand in, bear a part, conduce to.
contribution, n. 1. donation, gift, present, presentation, offering, alms; bestowal, bestowment, conferment; grant, endowment, subsidy, subvention, allowance; dispensation, hand out.
2. impost, levy, tax, tribute, duty; gratuity, tip, Fr. pourboire.
3. article, story, essay, critique, item.
contributor, n. 1. donor, giver, presenter, bestow- er, conferrer; subscriber, supporter, backer, Law. grantor, subsidizer; patron, guardian angel, benefactor, fairy godmother, sugar daddy.
2. correspondent, reporter, journalist; columnist, reviewer, critic, free lance; writer.
contrite, adj. penitent, penitential, repentant, atoning, in sackcloth and ashes; remorseful, compunctious, regretful, regretting, sorry, sorrowful, troubled, disturbed; conscience-stricken, guilt-ridden, self-accusing, selfreproachful; chastened, humbled, shamed, embarrassed.
contrition, n. penitence, repentance, contriteness, sackcloth and ashes; remorse, compunction, regret, sorrow; pang of conscience, guilt, shame, embarrassment, self-humiliation, self-mortification; selfreproach, self-blame, self-accusation, selfcondemnation.
contrivance, n. 1. device, invention, creation, gadget, Inf. contraption; apparatus, mechanism, machine; instrument, implement, tool, utensil, Inf. thingumajig, Inf. thingumabob; rig, gear, outfit, tackle, equipment, makeshift, Inf. Rube Goldberg.
2. invention, inventiveness, ingenuity, ingeniousness, cleverness; creativeness, originality.
3. plan, plot, scheme, design; expedient, makeshift, fabrication, stratagem, machination, artifice, trick, stroke, coup; intrigue, conspiracy, complot, cabal.
contrive, v. 1. devise, invent, imagine, originate, create, excogitate; design, plan, work out, think up, hit upon, dream up, spin; concoct, make up, fabricate, improvise; construct, work up.
2. plot, conspire, scheme, intrigue, complot; brew, hatch, trump up, fake, SI. hoke up; machinate, maneuver, manipulate, Inf. finagle, Inf. wangle.
3. manage, cast, frame, coin, formulate, draft, sketch, block out, map out, shape out a course, bring about, effect, organize.
control, v. 1. dominate, rule over, reign over, exercise control over, govern; command, order, dictate, have it all one's way, call the shots, call the plays, run the show; boss, lay down the law, hold the purse strings; be in control, be in the driver's seat, be in the saddle, wear the pants or the trousers, be in a position of authority; hold all the cards, have well in hand, have under control, be master of the situation, be on top of, have [s.o.] under one's thumb.