SI. get under one's skin; stir, move, melt, soften, touch the heart, tug at the heart strings, get [s.o.] right here; impress, make an impression, have an impact, come over, come across, register, sink in, come home to, get through to.
4. understand, comprehend, apprehend, fathom, discern, see, perceive, make out, realize, SI. savvy, SI. dig, Brit. SI. suss; follow, read, take in, Scot. ken, Inf. get the picture, Inf. get the message, Inf get the idea, Inf. get it, Inf. catch the drift; seize, get a hold of, get a grip on; see through, see [s.t.] as it really is, see [s.t.] in its true colors, Inf. have [s.o.'s] number, SI. be wise to, SI. be on to, SI. have dead to rights; solve, resolve, decode, decipher, crack, work out, figure out, untangle, unriddle, unravel.
penetrating, adj. 1. sharp, pointed, piercing, incisive, penetrative; shrill, ear-splitting, ear-piercing; cutting, biting, stinging, scathing, scorching, withering; trenchant, mordant, mordacious, pungent.
2. acute, keen, sensitive, discerning, discriminating, perceptive, Scot. and North Eng. gleg; conscious, cognizant, aware, sentient, sensible, comprehending, understanding, SI. in tune, SI. tuned-in; intelligent, smart, Inf. smart as a whip, bright, Inf. brainy, sharp, keen, nimble, quick.
penetration, n. 1. incision, cutting, piercing; puncture, perforation; impalement, transfixion, skewering; ingress, entrance, entry, ingoing, incoming, influx, inflow; permeation, pervasion, saturation, inosculation, interosculation, interpenetration; imbuement, instillment, infusion, suffusion, transfusion, infiltration, impregnation.
2. cogency, incisiveness, pointedness; mordancy, trenchancy, mordaciousness, pungency, cuttingness, bitingness, stingingness.
3. keenness, acuteness, sharpness, sensitivity, dis cernment, discrimination, perception, percipience, perspicacity, insight; consciousness, cognizance, awareness, sentience, sensibility, comprehension, apprehension, understanding.
4. intelligence, smartness, brightness, Inf. braininess, Inf. brains, SI. smarts, SI. savvy; sharp-wittedness, keen-wittedness, ready-wittedness, quick-wittedness, nimble-wittedness, clear or quick thinking.
peninsula, n. chersonese; cape, hook, spur, neck, tongue; point, promontory, foreland, headland, head, Scot. mull.
penitence, n. contrition, Theol. imperfect contri tion, attrition, repentance, acknowledgment; compunction, regret, regretfulness, regrets, remorse, remorsefulness, sorrow, sorrowfulness, sadness, grief, sorriness; sackcloth and ashes, breast-beating; selfreproach, self-reproof, self-accusation, self-condemnation, self-punishment, shame, shamefacedness.
penitent, adj. 1. repentant, contrite, compunctious, abject, humble, humbled, apologetic, sheepish; sorrowful, sad, sorry, sorry for one's sins, remorseful, regretful, rueful, conscience-stricken, in sackcloth and ashes; self-reproaching, self-accusing, self-condemning.
-n. 2. confessor, penitential; sinner, prodigal son.
penitentiary, n. 1. prison, state prison, maximum-security prison, minimum-security prison, penal institution, house of correction or detention, SI. pen, SI. big house, SI. slammer, SI. stir; reformatory, reform school, (in England) borstal institution.
2. jail, jailhouse, lockup, Scot. tollbooth, Inf. clink, U.S. Inf. calaboose, Brit. Inf. bridewell; guardhouse, guardroom, U.S. brig; All SI. can, cooler, coop, hoosegow, jug, booby-hatch, pokey, Brit, choky, Brit. quod.