quack1, v. cackle, gaggle, clack, honk.
quack1, n. 1. pretender, impostor, masquerader, fake, Inf. faker, humbug; mountebank, charlatan, Inf. phony; hoaxer, cozener, trickster, cheat, swindler, Inf. shyster, sharper; slicker, spieler, knave, rogue, Inf con man, Inf. con artist, Inf. bunko artist; shammer, bluffer; medicine man, witch doctor, shaman, nostrum peddler, medicaster, quacksalver.
-adj. 2. fake, Inf. phony, false, charlatanish; pseudo, quasi, sham, pretended, fraudulent; affected, assumed, put-on.
quackery, n. charlatanism, charlatanry, sciolism, humbuggery, humbug; imposture, trickery, chicanery, knavery, fraudulence; deception, cozenage, delusion, fraud, sham; swindle, hoax, U.S. Inf bunko, defraud-ment, misrepresentation; sharping, sharking, cheating, duplicity; double-dealing, confidence game, Inf con game, Inf. flim-flam game, Inf ripoff.
quaff, v. drink, imbibe, Inf swig, Inf. pull, Inf take a pull at; drain, wash down, Inf. belt, toss off, Inf. chug, Inf. chug-a-lug; gulp, swallow, guzzle, SI. swill, soak up, drink one's fill; tipple, Archaic, bib, tope, bouse, Archaic, dram, Inf. booze; Inf wet one's whistle, Inf. gargle, lap, lap up; drink like a fish, drink hard, drink seriously, SI. knock a few back, SI. dip the beak; SI. scoop a few, SI. liquor up, SI. souse; carouse, wassail, revel.
quaggy, adj. 1. marshy, boggy, fenny, swampy, Archaic, marish; miry, quagmiry, sloughy, oozy, muddy, sludgy, mucky; squashy, spongy, paludal, moory; plashy, poachy, slushy, slobby, squishy; soggy, pulpy, mushy, loamy.
2. soft, flabby, flaccid, limp; floppy, supple, ductile, flexible, flexile, whippy; flimsy, pliable, malleable,
quagmire, n. 1. bog, fen, marsh, swamp, quag, morass, Archaic, marish; slough, wash, squash, wallow, Brit, sough, Brit. Dial, sump, Scot. moss; mire, quicksand, ooze, mud, muck, sludge; moor, peatbog, flat, mudflat, everglade; swampland, marshland, fen-land, forest swamp; bottomland, slobland, moorland.
2. imbroglio, stalemate, checkmate; impasse, cul-de-sac, corner, blind corner; dilemma, quandary, perplexity, intricacy, involvement; meshes, pass, strait, crisis, juncture; muddle, mess, pinch, SI. stew, SI. pickle, SI. jam; Inf. scrape, hot water, nonplus, deadlock,
quail, v. shrink, recoil, shy, shy away from, pull back, draw back, turn back; flinch, blench, blink, lose heart, Inf funk; wince, quiver, quaver, quake, shake, tremble, shiver in one's shoes, quake in one's boots; start, have cold feet, take fright; hesitate, falter, waver; skulk, cower, cringe, crouch; slink, sneak, worm, weasel out, tuck one's tail between one's legs, think with one's feet; have no heart, have no stomach, show the white feather, knuckle under, Inf. chicken out.