system, n. 1. order, organization, arrangement, disposition, structure, setup, layout, line-up.
2. process, procedure, method, methodology, technique; attack, tack, approach; way, wise, means, mode, fashion, style, ways and means; wont, custom, practice, praxis, Latin, modus operandi, M.O.; common practice, rule, standard operating procedure, SOP, Inf. bit; policy, polity, guidelines.
3. course, line, plan of action, plan, scheme, design, program; pattern, outline, delineation.
4. cosmos, universe, world, all creation,
systematic, adj. methodical, regular, steady, businesslike, routine, like clockwork; orderly, well-ordered, well-arranged, well-organized, well-regulated; formal, planned, well-planned, blocked-out, Inf. all worked out.
systematize, v. order, put or set in order, organize, arrange; regulate, regularize, methodize, standardize, systemize, normalize.