finger, n. 1. digit, pointer, arrow, index.
2. have a finger in meddle in or with, stick or poke one's nose in, have a hand in, get involved in; snoop, pry, nose; tamper with, monkey with, mess around with.
3. keep one's fingers crossed wish for good luck, hope for the best, be hopeful, Inf. think positive; knock on wood.
4. lay or
put one's finger on a. remember, recall, bring to mind, bring back. b. discover, find, find out; locate, put one's hands on, identify, place, SI. peg; signify, point out.
5. lift a finger make an attempt, do something, help out, do one's part, contribute.
6. put the finger on Slang, inform on or against, tell on, Inf. snitch on, tattle, SI. squeal on; betray, SI. double cross, SI. sell out, SI. blow one's cover, testify or bear witness against.
7. slip through one's fingers pass by, slip by, escape, go unchecked, become elusive.
8. twist around one's little finger manipulate, use, misuse, lead by the nose; have influence over, control, keep under one's thumb.
-v. 9. touch, feel, handle, palpate, thumb, palm, paw; stroke, caress, pet, fondle; tickle, toy with, play with, meddle; brush, graze; massage, knead, rub; manipulate, twiddle.
10. steal, purloin, pilfer, filch, seize, rob, pick, cabbage, Brit. SI. snaffle, Euph. borrow; shoplift, palm, SI. boost, walk off or away with, Euph. remove; All SI. heist, pinch, swipe, hustle,rip off, frisk, cop, lift.
11. Informal, point out, identify, put the finger on. See - finger (def. 6).
finicky, adj. 1. fussy, overparticular, finical, meticulous; picky, Inf. choosy, dainty, Inf. fuddy-duddy, Inf. pernickety; fastidious, hard to please, difficult, critical; overcritical, hypercritical, overdemanding, overexacting.
2. overfastidious, overnice; affected, coxcombical, foppish, dapper, dandy,
finis, n. conclusion, close, end, termination, finish, completion; finale, final act or scene, final curtain, last part or stage; summary, summation, wrap-up, windup; result, issue, outcome, upshot; Fr. fait accompli, completed act; All Inf. that's it, that's that, that's all folks; expiration, death, bitter end; deathblow, K.O., Fr. coup de grdce.
finish, v. 1. complete, do, carry through, play out, go or follow through with; carry out, fulfill, realize, achieve, attain, accomplish, compass; bring to an end, settle, resolve, terminate, end; conclude, close, wind up, Inf. wrap up, clinch, clench, seal; perfect, consummate, culminate, round off; crown, top, cap, put the last or finishing touch to.
2. dispose of, deal with, get out of the way, Inf. get out from under; make short work of, finish off or up, SI. polish off, SI. knock off, expedite, dispatch; have done with, give up, stop, cease, discontinue, suspend.
3. finish off overcome, overwhelm, overpower, defeat, conquer; destroy, kill, consume, put an end to, Inf. wipe out, SI. rub out; dispose of, SI. do in, get rid of, do away with, put out of the way.
4. varnish, lacquer, glaze, gild, veneer, put a finish on; polish, glow, burnish, rub down, give a shine; dress, face, smooth.