open up, spread, spread out; stretch, distend, dilate, swell.
2. increase, develop; augment, supplement, add to. broad-minded, adj. liberal, good-hearted, good, kind, fair, just, square, evenhanded; generous, charitable, considerate, thoughtful; big, magnanimous, philanthropic, munificent, benign, benevolent, beneficent; dispassionate, broad, impersonal, impartial, disinterested; unprejudiced, unbiased, unbigoted, unswayed; tolerant, forbearant, catholic, latitudinarian, understanding, sympathetic.
broadside, n. 1. criticism, censure, critical review; attack, bombardment, battering, storming; assault, onslaught, assailment, besetment; cannonade, Mil. battery, Mil. barrage, discharge, volley, salvo.
2. placard, poster, bill, circular, U.S. flyer, brochure. See - brochure.
brochure, n. pamphlet, booklet, leaflet, folder, chap-book; treatise, monograph, tractate, tract, essay; bulletin, notice, placard, poster, Fr. affiche, playbill, bill; advertisement, circular, handbill, U.S. flyer, broadside, broadsheet, handout, throwaway.
broil1, v. 1. grill, toast, barbecue, cook, heat, warm, roast, sear, toast, fry, griddle.
2. warm, heat, parch, burn, singe, sear, blister.
broil2, n. 1. quarrel, dispute, altercation, wrangle, embroilment, brouhaha; rumpus, uproar, tumult, outbreak, commotion; clash, scrimmage, scuffle, scramble, fracas, fray, brawl, scrap.
-v. 2. brawl, scrimmage. See - brawl (defs. 3, 4). broken, adj. 1. shattered, smashed, crumbled, crushed, mangled, pulverized; fragmented, ruptured, torn, fractured, split, rent, cracked; damaged, destroyed.
2. interrupted, disrupted, unsuccessive, discontinuous, disjunct, disconnected, fragmentary, incomplete, discrete; spasmodic, intermittent.
3. defeated, beaten, overthrown, vanquished, overridden, conquered, overpowered, outdone, outmatched; quelled, suppressed, crushed, ruined, undone, Inf. licked, Inf. trimmed; fallen, subdued, weakened, reduced.
4. tamed, trained, broken in, gentled, domesticated, house-broken.
5. rough, irregular, not smooth, uneven.
6. weakened, unsteady, rundown, in poor health; disheartened, demoralized, dispirited.
7. ruined, bankrupt, impoverished.
8. broken down out of working order, in disrepair, not functioning, out of order, out of commission, gone haywire, Inf. on the blink, Inf. on the fritz, Inf. out of kilter, Sl. out of whack, Sl. gone kerflooie, Sl. kaput, Sl. on the bum, Sl. dead.
broken-hearted, adj. grief-stricken, sorrowful, mournful, disconsolate, comfortless, inconsolable; overcome, prostrated, stricken, heavy-laden, lamenting, forlorn, bowed down, spiritless; disappointed, dejected, heartbroken, crestfallen; dashed, crushed, despairing, in despair, hopeless; sad, melancholy, woeful, miserable, wretched, depressed, doleful, rueful, woebegone; gloomy, glum, cheerless, unhappy, long-faced.
broker, n. 1. agent, factor, dealer, cambist; stockbroker, stockjobber.
2. middleman, wholesaler, distributor, jobber; medium, intermediary, go-between,
bronze, adj. metallic-brown, rust, rust-colored, copper, copper-colored, henna,
brooch, n. clasp, pin, stickpin, breastpin, chatelaine,
brood, n. 1. litter, nest, furrow, fry, spawn, spat;