-adv. 2. as a body, as a group, collectively, en masse; wholly, as a whole, Latin, in toto; bag and baggage.
body, n. 1. corporality, materiality, matter; corporeal structure, bulk, physique, build, figure, frame, form, shape; framework, skeleton, flesh and bones; trunk, torso.
2. carcass, corpse, cadaver, SI. stiff, remains; cre-mains, ashes.
3. person, human being, human, being, individual, creature.
4. majority, bulk, most, major or greater part, lion's share, nearly all, preponderance; principal part, core, essence, heart, center, hub, kernel.
5. collectivity, aggregation, mass, corps; troupe, crew, team, band, party; group, bunch, gang, pack, herd; crowd, throng, mob.
6. consistency, consistence, density, solidity, firmness; richness, substance; shape, structure.
bog, n. marsh, Brit, fen, mire, quagmire, swamp, swampland, morass, wash, Southeastern U.S. pocosin, Brit. Dial. sump,
boggle, v. 1. take alarm, take fright, Inf. push the panic button; start, jump, Inf jump out of one's skin or pants; shy, fight shy.
2. hesitate, waver, falter, pause, hang back, shillyshally, hem and haw; scruple, demur, object; shrink, recoil, blench, flinch, wince, pull back, Inf. funk.
3. dissemble, disguise, mask, camouflage, obscure, cloud; equivocate, prevaricate, hedge, sidestep, evade the issue, pussyfoot, weasel.
4. bungle, botch, muff, fumble, be all thumbs; All SI. mess up, foul up, louse up, screw up, goof up, gum up, flub.
5. astound, astonish, amaze, overwhelm, Inf. flabbergast; startle, stagger, shock, bowl over.
bogus, adj. counterfeit, spurious, ungenuine, unau-thentic, pseudo, quasi, apochryphal, sham, mock, make-believe, fake, Inf. phony,
bohemian, adj. 1. nonconformist, unconventional, uncommon, unorthodox, Fr. outre; irregular, radical, left bank, avant-garde, way-out; original, eccentric, bizarre, curious, odd.
2. gypsy, nomadic, wandering, traveling, peregrinating, vagabond; itinerant, peripatetic, roaming, footloose.
boil1, v. 1. seethe, simmer, stew, steam, decoct, brew; cook, heat, parboil, poach.
2. foam, churn, froth, fulminate, spume, mantle; bubble, effervesce, burble, gurgle, guggle; fizz, fizzle, sputter.
3. rage, rave, bluster, storm, rant, roar, rampage; splutter, boil over, explode, SI. blow one's top; fume, sizzle, chafe, smolder, bristle; fire up, burn up, flare up, flame up, fly into a passion, Inf. fly off the handle; ferment, quiver, stir up, arouse, rile.
4. boil down a. shorten, abridge, condense, digest, synopsize.
b. come down, point, indicate, designate; mean, signify, denote.