-adv. 14. homeward, homewards, homeward bound, to or toward or at one's home or abode; indoors, within doors, in the house, inside, in. 15. deep, to the heart, to the core or innermost core, to the quick, to the mark, to the heart, to the vital center or seat, to the innermost feeling or sensibility, Inf. where it hurts, Inf in the breadbasket, Inf. right here. 16. effectively, with telling effect, decidedly, completely, entirely; deeply, profoundly, indelibly; closely, directly, neatly, clearly; summarily, curtly, tersely, acutely, keenly, emphatically, pointedly; caustically, astringently, trenchantly, incisively, sharply, stingingly, cuttingly, bitingly, with a vengeance, with force; roughly, harshly, severely. 17. bring home to a. emphasize, lay emphasis on, give emphasis to, stress, lay stress on; feature, accent, accentuate, underscore, underline, highlight; press home, drive home, hammer away, pound away, harp on.
b. clarify, make clear, clear up, shed light on, make manifest, manifest, illuminate, elucidate, make plain, make explicit; expose, lay open, bring to light, unfold, unmask, unveil. 18.
write home about Informal, note, make note of, take note of, speak of, tell of, talk about, carry on about, go on about, rave or rave on about; mention, report, describe, tell, state, remark, remark on, comment on, pass comment on. -v. 19. live, live at, reside, reside at, abide, Archaic. bide, dwell, tenant, stay, stay at, remain, sojourn. 20. domicile, domicil, domiciliate, establish oneself, take up residence, take up one's abode, make one's home, inhabit, occupy, settle, locate, ensconce, Inf. hang up one's hat; take or strike root, plant oneself, anchor, come to anchor, drop anchor, moor; nest, nestle, roost, perch, squat, burrow, hive. 21. house, shelter, give shelter to, lodge, provide with lodging or lodgings or lodgement, put up, take in, roof, provide with a roof; quarter, provide quarters for, billet, bed, bunk, berth, have as a guest or lodger. 22. direct, guide, steer, maneuver, navigate, head, lead, pilot; fix, fix on, set, determine, sight, sight on, home in, home in on, zero in on, pinpoint, position, place, situate, locate; aim, aim at, level, level at, point, point at or to, train, train at, train or turn upon.
homebred, adj. 1. domestic, domiciliary, internal, interior; native, natural, natal, indigenous, aboriginal, autochthonous, autochthonal, autochthonic; homespun, homegrown, homemade, home-born, home-raised, native-grown.
2. unpolished, unsophisticated, unrefined, uncultured, uncultivated, unworldly; coarse, rough, roughcast, rough-hewn, linsey-woolsey, indelicate, inelegant; uncouth, crude, crass, raw; loutish, oafish, doltish, stolid, lumpish, lumpen, cloddish, clodhopping, boorish.
3. rustic, rural, bucolic, bucolical; inurbane, backwoods, provincial, countrified or countryfied, country-bred, country-born, upcountry, from the sticks, yokelish, SI. hickish, SI. rube, SI. hayseed; homey, homely, homelike, homish, down-home, homespun, (usu. of thought or philosophy) cracker-barrel, Scot. raploch, Yiddish, heimish, Inf. folksy; plain, simple, modest, unpretentious, unpretending, unaffected, normal, informal.
homeless, adj. exiled, outcast, disinherited, dispossessed; forsaken, abandoned, derelict, desolate, forlorn; vagabond, houseless, unsettled; estranged, alienated.