offshoot, n. 1. branch, bough, limb, twig, stem; sucker, spur, shoot, switch; runner, tendril; sprout, sprig; leafstalk, Bot. petiole.
2. descendant, offspring, scion, heir, son, daughter, child; relation, relative, kin, cousin; kindred, offset.
3. outgrowth, upshot, outcome, ramification, result, consequence; issue, product, effect, fruit, by-product; aftermath, trail, wake, backwash, aftereffect, fallout; addition, adjunct, annex, amendment, supplement.
offspring, n. 1. children, young, brood, spawn, litter, fry.
2. child, son, junior, daughter, scion, heir, heir apparent, chip off the old block; kid, calf, lamb, whelp, foal, cub, pup, puppy, chick, chicken.
3. descendants, successors, issue, seed, progeny, offshoots, offset; posterity, lineage, succession, pro-geniture, younger or rising generation.
4. result, product, end product, effect, offshoot, consequence; upshot, outcome, ougrowth, ramification; fruit, creation, invention, design; idea, thought, brainstorm.
often, adv. frequently, repeatedly, Poetic, oft; generally, usually, habitually, regularly, as a common thing, commonly, in many cases; periodically, ever and anon, now and again; time and again, time and time again, time after time, over and over, day-in-day-out; quite a bit, a lot.
ogle, v. 1. leer, Inf. make goo-goo eyes at, look at with sheep's eyes, look at with calf's eyes; wink, give the glad eye, roll the eyes, lock eyes; look up and down, check out, undress with one's eyes, Inf give the once-over, follow with one's eyes; look shyly, squint, look out of the corner of one's eyes, give a side glance, look askance at; flirt, coquet, make up to, trifle, simper.
2. eye, stare, gawk, gape, goggle, gaze; look at, peer, scrutinize, glance, scan; glare, glower, stare down.
-n. 3. leer, glad eye, wink, Inf. once-over, sly look, sidelong glance; lascivious look, lecherous look; stare, glance; fleer, sneer, smirk, a look that could kill, the look of a cockatrice.
ogre, n. 1. monster, ogress, giant, Cyclops, Minotaur, Gorgon; cockatrice, basilisk; chimera, incubus, succubus; vampire, Count Dracula; barghest, hobgob-