3. factors, conditions, circumstances, fabric, framework, backdrop; setting, stage, Fr. mise en scene, scene, environment, milieu.
4. in the background unobtrusive, unassertive, retiring; inconspicuous, unnoticed, unseen, behind the scenes, backstage, offstage; in the shadows, in the shade, in the wings, in the back seat, in the rear; out of sight, out of notice, out of the limelight, out of the spotlight, out of the public eye; in obscurity. backhanded, adj. 1. oblique, indirect, ambiguous, unclear; awkward, gauche, left-handed, maladroit, clumsy, heavy-handed, backhand; ill-contrived, ill-phrased, poorly put, tactless, inconsiderate, ungracious; improper, untoward, unsuitable, inappropriate, inapt.
2. sly, crafty, artful, cunning, insidious; underhanded, dishonorable, two-faced, Janus-faced, hypocritical, tartuffish, double-tongued, fork-tongued, deceitful, sneaking; untruthful, false, mendacious, unveracious; meaningless, hollow, insincere.
3. sarcastic, biting, caustic, cutting, trenchant, scathing; mordant, bitter, acrimonious, sardonic, derisive, ironic; insulting, mean, cruel, spiteful. backing, n. 1. aid, help, helping hand, abetment, abettal, relief, succor; assistance, cooperation, collaboration; boost, lift, strengthening, shot in the arm; support, propping, bracing, bolstering, sustenance, maintenance; sponsorship, patronage, advocacy, championing, promotion, furtherance, encouragement; endorsement, favor, commendation, approval, countenance, sympathy.
2. security, surety, collateral, assurance, guaranty, guarantee, warranty; protection, insurance, Finance. coverage, Inf. net.
3. supporters, boosters, sponsors, patrons, advocates, champions, following, followers; aides, helpers, assistants, second shift or string.
4. (all of music) background, back up, accompaniment; harmony, obbligato, second part. backlash, n. 1. (all of machinery) play, slip, allowance, liberty, freedom, extra space; slackness, laxity, laxness, looseness, wasted movement.
2. (all of angling) snarl, tangle, entanglement, snag, catch, hitch; knot, tie-up, obstruction, blockage, stoppage.
3. recoil, rebound, repercussion, reflex, reaction, response, kick, Inf. kickback; boomerang, reversal, turn around, about-face. -v. 4. recoil, rebound, bounce back, spring or snap back, kick, react, respond; boomerang, double back, reverse, turn around, about-face, make an about-face. back-pedal, v. retract, take back, withdraw, recant, disavow, unsay, Inf. eat or swallow one's words; retreat, back up, backtrack, reverse oneself, renege, SI. cop out, back down or out of; shift ground, change sides, tergiversate; about-face, do an about-face, Inf flip-flop, do a flip-flop, Inf. do or pull a 180°, SI. pull a switcheroo; deny, gainsay, renounce, forswear, abjure. backset, n. 1. setback, throwback, repulse, rebuff, reverse, reversal, turn for the worse, turning of the tide; discouragement, damper, Inf. cold water; relapse, fall, upset, misfortune, step backwards, worsening; defeat, loss, curb, check. 2. countercurrent, crosscurrent, undercurrent; ebb, backflow, reflux, refluence, regurgitation, Naut. backwash; eddy, whirlpool, vortex, maelstrom, swirl; restraint, variance, deflection, reflection, Chiefly Brit.