Synonyms Dictionary
3. fated, fatal, ordained, doomed, Rare, destinated, Obs. destinal, Obs. destinable; written, in the cards, on the books; predetermined, predestined, predestinate, predestinated, preordained, foreordained, foredoomed, predecided.
4. certain, sure, sure as death, sure as death and taxes, fateful; inevitable, unavoidable, inescapable, ineluctable, ineludible.
5. liable to, bound to; planning to, intending to, meaning to, aiming to; planning on, counting on, figuring on; plotting to, scheming to, conspiring to, contriving to. destiny, n. 1. fate, fortune, lot, cup, portion, die, doom, Archaic, foredoom, Chiefly Scot. weird, writing on the wall, Brit. Inf. cup of tea; karma, kismet, Obs. destin or destine.
2. destination, future, ultimate future; hereafter, otherworld, world to come, next world; the beyond, great beyond; the unknown, great unknown; the grave, eternal home.
3. predetermination, predestination, God's will, Fortune's wheel, wheel of fortune; stars, planets, chance, happenstance, fortuity, serendipity; accident, coincidence, contingency, contingence; uncertainty, pot-luck, luck, fortune; heads or tails, roll or cast or toss or throw of the dice; vicissitudes, ups and downs, fickle finger of fate, way things fall, Inf. the breaks, Inf how the cookie crumbles, Inf. how the ball bounces.
4. Chance, Fortune, Lady or Dame Fortune, For-tuna, Luck, Lady Luck.
5. the Destinies Fates, Weirds, Weird Sisters, (Greek) Moerea, (Roman) Parcae, (Scandinavian) Norns. destitute, adj. 1. poverty-stricken, impoverished, penurious, impecunious, beggared, pauperized; indigent, poor, needy, necessitous, bad off, badly off; pinched, straitened, distressed, Inf. strapped, Inf. up against it, Inf on one's uppers, Inf. hard up; financially embarrassed, out of cash, Inf. short, Brit. SI. skint, All Inf broke, dead broke, flat broke, stone broke; bankrupt, ruined, wiped out, Inf. on the rocks, insolvent, overdrawn, in the red; down and out, out at the elbows, down at the heels, seedy.
2. Usu. destitute of devoid, deprived, deficient, bereft, bereaved; lacking, wanting, in need; without, sans.
3. helpless, stranded, high and dry, SI. up the creek, Inf. over a barrel; defenseless, unprotected, unprovided, unsupplied; exposed, naked, vulnerable. destitution, n. 1. poverty, penury, indigence, impecuniousness, impecuniosity, beggary, pennilessness, neediness; insolvency, bankruptcy, liquidation; distress, straits, indebtedness; pauperism, pauperage, pauperdom, mendicancy, mendicity.
2. lack, want, need; absence, default, scarcity, insufficiency; paucity, dearth, shortage, deficiency; exhaustion, depletion, scantiness, meagerness; deprivation, starvation, famine, drought. destroy, v. 1. demolish, wipe out, pulverize, wreck, SI. total, knock to pieces; raze, gut, fell, prostrate, level; pull down, tear down, take down, bring down, break down, throw down, cast down, beat down, knock down; shatter, crash, smash, batter, break; fracture, splinter, tear, crack, split, rend, tear apart, wrench apart; explode, burst, fulminate, implode; blast, blow up, bomb; mutilate, mangle, maim, make mincemeat of; mar, damage, spoil, mark, spot, stain; disfigure, scar, deface, blemish.
2. devastate, desolate, lay waste; ravage, work havoc upon, ruin, Dial, ruinate, bring to ruin, bring to naught, lay in ruins; despoil, rob, plunder, gut, pillage, ransack; vandalize, waste, SI. trash.
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