2. glow, gleam, glimmer, shimmer; flicker, blink, glint, glance, twinkle; flash, streak, fulguration.
3. outburst, outbreak, eruption, explosion, burst, blast, flare-up, spasm, convulsion; flood, torrent, deluge, rush.
-v. 4. burn, flame, burst into flames, catch on fire, take fire.
5. shine, glow, gleam, glimmer, shimmer; blink, flicker, twinkle, glint, glance; flash, flare, glare; glitter, dazzle, bedazzle.
6. burn up, flare up, blaze up, Inf. see red, SI. get hot under the collar; seethe, sizzle, smolder, boil, stew, simmer, fume, stir, Inf. do a slow burn, Inf. steam up, SI. work oneself up into a lather or sweat or stew.
7. open fire, commence firing, fire away, SI. blast away, SI. open up on.
bleach, v. whiten, blanch, blench, wash out; etiolate, achromatize, decolor, decolorize; gray, pale, dim, cloud, fade; grow dull, lose luster or brightness,
bleachers, n. grandstand, tiers, stands; benches, long seats, seats, stools, settles, pews, Brit, forms,
bleak, adj. 1. bare, barren, desolate, windswept, windy, exposed, open, unsheltered; desert, waste, poor, dry, arid, bald, empty, naked, dead; exhausted, depleted, worn out, impoverished, meager, scanty, scarce, lean; uncultivable, uncultivatable, fallow, unproductive, unyielding, unfruitful, fruitless, unfruc-tuous.
2. rigorous, severe, bad, sharp, bitter, biting, cutting, nipping, piercing; frigid, very cold, raw, hyperborean, arctic; icy, glacial, gelid, frozen, freezing; ice-cold; frosty, chilly, algid, wintry, brumal, hibernal; snowy, niveous, stormy, inclement.
3. hopeless, depressing, discouraging, without promise; uninviting, dreary, Literary, drear, dismal, gloomy, cheerless, joyless; drab, dull, flat, monotonous; somber, melancholy, sad, mournful, forlorn, miserable, wretched.
blear, v. 1. blur, tear, water, cry; dim, cloud. See
blur (def. 2).
-adj. 2. blurred, blurry, dimmed, clouded, unclear, fogged, foggy.
-n. 3. blur, cloudiness, dimness. See - blur (def. 5).
bleat, v. 1. baa, blat, bray, whinny, cry, call; bab
ble, prate, blather, blab. -n. 2. baa, whinny, bray, cry, call; babble, prating, blather.
bleed, v. 1. shed blood, lose blood; flow, trickle,
spout; exude, ooze, seep; run, diffuse, spread.
2. draw, take blood, Med. phlebotomize; drain, sap, deplete, exhaust, fag, weaken; exact, extort, extract, milk, squeeze, fleece.
3. anguish, ache, sorrow, grieve; suffer, pity, feel, sympathize, empathize.
blemish, v. 1. mark, spot, speckle, stain, sully, tarnish, taint; injure, damage, impair, deface, mar. -n. 2. defect, fault, defacement, disfigurement, flaw, crack, scratch, mark; stain, blot, spot, speck, blur, smudge, smirch, smutch, taint; patch, blotch, discoloration, birthmark, nevus; mole, wart, pimple, wen, blain, bump, SI. zit; scar, pock, cicatrix; bruise, SI. hickey.
blench, v. flinch, wince, start, shy, recoil, blink; quiver, shiver, shudder, quake, tremble, shake, flutter; quail, cower, shrink, Inf. funk, crouch, retire, hang back, skulk; hesitate, falter, Chiefly Brit, jib; take to one's heels, turn tail, run away from, fly from, turn aside, swerve; evade, elude, shun, avoid, eschew, shirk, dodge.
blend, v. 1. mix, admix, commix, intermix; mingle, commingle, scramble, intermingle, interlard; compound, combine, alloy, Chem. levigate, merge, coalesce, melt together; unite, join, inosculate, fuse, amalgamate, incorporate; intertwine, interweave, link together; synthesize, homogenize, hybridize, mongrelize. 2. harmonize, go with, complement, suit, fit.