Synonyms Dictionary
2, overact, exaggerate, melodramatize, dramatize, behave theatrically; act, perform, play a role; rant, rave, out-Herod Herod. emotion, n. feeling, sentiment, sensation, passion; Psychol, affect; chord, response, reaction. emotional, adj. 1. emotive, noncognitive, Psychol. affective.
2. sensitive, sentient, sensuous, feeling, sympathetic, compassionate, warm, tender, affectionate, loving; sentimental, melodramatic, mawkish, maudlin, misty-eyed, dewey-eyed, gush, Australian, soony.
3. impassioned, impassionate, feelingful, passionate, ardent; moving, poignant, pathetic, heartfelt, heartrending, soul-stirring; expressive, demonstrative, dramatic, electric, thrilling, sensational.
4. excitable, easily excited, high-strung, susceptible, quick to tears, tense, nervous; temperamental, hot-tempered, inflammable, volatile, volcanic, fiery, hotheaded, hot-blooded.
5. hysterical, ranting, raving, frantic, overwrought; rapturous, rapt, ecstatic, carried away. emotionalism, n. 1. sentimentality, gushiness, mawkishness, maudlinism, maudlinness, play on or appeal to one's emotions, emotiveness, emotivity; melodrama, melodramatics, dramatics, theatrics, playacting, tears and laughter; sensationalism, showiness, demonstrativeness.
2. excitability, excitableness, nervousness, tenseness; temperamentalness, inflammableness, inflammability, volatileness, hot-headedness, hot-bloodedness; hysteria, hystericalness, ranting, raving, franticness. emotionalize, v. impassion, move, affect, touch, reach, strike a chord, kindle a feeling, play on [s.o.'sj feelings or heartstrings; excite, agitate, upset, work up, disturb; rouse, inflame, fire up, enkindle, fan the flame. empathize, v. identify with, sympathize, respond, react, understand, be in tune, Si be hip to, Si be into [s.t.], Si dig, Si be turned on to; imagine, project, experience vicariously, put oneself into another's place or shoes, Inf. tune in. emperor, n. sovereign, ruler, rex, king of kings, crowned head, czar, kaiser, Great Mogul, (in ancient Rome) imperator, (in Incan empire) Inca, (in medieval China) khan, (in Japan) mikado, (in Ethiopia) Negus. emphasis, n. 1. stress, accent, italics, underlining, underscoring; significance, consequence, consideration, moment, import, note, mark; importance, priority, preeminence; weight, gravity, ponderosity; seriousness, solemnity; urgency, exigency, tension; pressure, insistence; affirmation, assurance, averment.
2. vital concern, matter of concern, matter of importance, matter of life and death; object of note, something special, Inf. big deal, Inf. one for the books, Inf. something to write home about.
3. (all of expression) intensity, power, strength, force, force of utterance; energy; accentuation, strong accent, vigorous enunciation, attack; clamor, uproar, outburst, outcry; exclamation, ejaculation, vociferation, vociferance; powerfulness, forcibleness; vociferousness; positiveness, decidedness; peremptoriness, imperativeness, dogmatism.
4. (all of form or outline) prominence, distinctness, plainness, clearness, clarity, definiteness, definition; visibility, visibleness, perceptibility, discernibleness or discernableness; conspicuousness, conspicuity, salience, saliency. emphasize, v. 1. stress, lay stress or emphasis on, give emphasis to, punctuate, accent; underline, underscore, point up, italicize, call attention to, mark, bring home, press home; feature, highlight, spotlight, play up, give prominence to, bring to the fore, bring into relief, Inf. headline; intensify, strengthen, deepen, heighten.
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