2. National Guard headquarters, Guard headquarters, Reserve center, headquarters, H.Q., administration center, drill center; assembly center, hall, arena, auditorium, coliseum. army,
n. 1. military, soldiers, soldiery, troops, regular army, standing army; armed forces, infantry, cavalry, artillery, militia; legion, battalion, garrison, detachment, brigade, regiment, division, company, corps, column, wing, phalanx, cohort.
2. multitude, host, galaxy, array, score; congregation, gathering, assembly, assemblage, meeting; group, body, swarm, hoard, crowd, throng, bunch, mob, rout; gang, band, troop; congestion, press, crush; concourse, cumulation, confluence, convergence, aroma, n. 1. odor, scent, fragrance, perfume, spicy smell, redolence, odoriferousness; bouquet, savor, trail, trace, breath.
2. character, quality, air, atmosphere, aura, exhalation, emanation, essence, spirit; flavor, complexion, tone. aromatic, adj. fragrant, sweet-smelling, sweet-scented, scented, perfumed, balmy, redolent, odorous, odoriferous; spicy, savory, pungent, piquant, ambrosial. around, adv. 1. about, on all sides, right and left, in all directions; everywhere, throughout, all over, in all parts, over, through; to and fro, here and there, hither and thither, hither and yon, far and wide.
2. in circumference, perimetrically, peripherally.
3. near, nearby, proximately, close by, nigh, at close range; hereabout, not far off, at hand.
4. circuitously, in a round about way or fashion, indirectly.
5. recurrently, repeatedly, periodically, round, 'round; around the clock, again and again, over and over, indefinitely.
6. in the reverse or opposite direction, halfway around, 180°; in reverse, backwards, to the rear.
7. to an awareness, to one's point of view, to one's way of thinking, to one's senses; back to consciousness, into the waking world, back to life. -prep. 8. about, surrounding, circumjacent, rounding, encircling, circling, encompassing, circumfluent; enfolding, enwrapping, wrapped about, enveloping.
9. throughout, all over, in all parts of, over, through.
10. near to, nearby, nigh to, proximate to, close by, close to; neighboring with, next door to, next to, adjacent to, adjoined with, bordering on, beside; juxtaposed with, contiguous with, tangential with, tangent to.
11. approximately, circa, ca., about, just about, in the vicinity of, in the neighborhood of; roughly, generally, estimatingly, in round numbers, more or less, or so. arouse, v. 1. actuate, initiate, put in motion, sow the seeds of, start the wheels turning; stimulate, animate, reanimate, whet, invigorate, motivate, inspirit, inspire, galvanize, electrify, vivify, rally, revive, enliven, liven up, awaken, wake up, waken, rouse, shake up, jolt, jog; impel, induce, compel, constrain, move, press, drive, stir, fillip; alarm, startle, disturb, impress, strike, penetrate, touch to the quick; elicit, evoke, call forth, summon up, sound or raise the alarm.
2. incite, provoke, poke, prod, prick, goad, prompt, spur; encourage, urge, abet, egg on, put up to; instigate, look for trouble, Inf. start something; foment, agitate, suscitate, excite, impassion, stir up, work up, wind up, whip up, hype up, Inf. turn on, Inf. psyche up, fire up, inflame, enflame, enkindle, kindle, touch off, ignite the spark, build a fire under, stir the embers, fan the fire.