sustenance, n. 1. nourishment, food, nutriment, nurture, nutrition, pabulum, subsister ce; aliment, viands, meat, bread or daily bread; groceries, foodstuffs, solids, edibles, Inf. grub, SI. eats, SI. chow, Chiefly Brit. SI. scoff; snack, between-meal snack, bite, bite to eat, nosh, SI. munchies; victuals, provisions, cheer, provender, rations, commons, comestibles, Western U.S. SI. chuck, Brit. SI. prog; board, fare, meals, mess, menu, table, diet, regimen.
2. livelihood, living, maintenance, subsistence, keep, upkeep, support, sustainment, sustentation, necessaries, provision; board and lodging, room and board, suzerain, n. sovereign, monarch, majesty, crowned head, king, potentate, dynast; lord, lord and master, overlord, master, chief, ruler, tyrant, dictator; prince, emperor, rajah, czar, caesar, kaiser, Fr. roi, Latin, rex, sheik, khan.
suzerainty, n. sovereignty, dominion, supremacy, primacy, preeminence, sway, hegemony; reign, royalty, empery, (in India) raj; kingship, lordship, mastership, leadership, seigniory; authority, jurisdiction, power, Inf. say or say-so; rule, command, mastery, control, domination; hold, grasp, grip, clutches, svelte, adj. slender, lithe, lithesome, lissome, thin, slim, lean; willowy, wasp-waisted, hourglass, sylphlike, slinky, foxy; shapely, clean-limbed, lanky, arrowy; delicate, graceful, fine, elegant, swab, n. 1. swob, mop; sponge, cotton, cloth.
-v. 2. swob, mop or mop up, clean or clean up, wipe up or off, absterge, sponge, wash, rinse or rinse off, scrub, scour, rub. swaddle, v. bind, wrap, wrap up, enwrap, confine, bundle up, muffle up, swathe, roll up, bandage; enfold, envelop, encircle, enclose; clothe, drape, cover, shroud, swagger, v. 1. strut, swash, prance, flourish, parade, march, step out.
2. boast, brag, gasconade, crow, Australian, skite, draw the long bow, vaunt, trumpet; blow one's own horn, sing one's own praises, Inf. tout oneself, pat oneself on the back, flatter oneself, congratulate oneself; bluster, roister, puff, SI. blow hard, SI. talk big, SI. shoot the bull, SI. lay it on thick, tell fish stories; show off, Inf. put on the dog, act like a big shot, bluff;