2. different, distinct, separate; unidentical, dissimilar, variant, unlike; disparate, contrary, contrastive, contradistinct; diverse, divergent, discrepant, differing; incongruous, incompatible, inharmonious, inconsonant.
3. former, earlier, previous, anterior, antecedent, preexistent, prior, preceding; bygone, gone, past, oldtime, ancient; aforementioned, aforesaid, before-mentioned. otherwise, adv. 1. elsewise, if not, on the other hand, under other circumstances, if this were not the situation, if it were possible.
2. differently, in another way, contrarily, inversely, in reverse, conversely; in defiance, in contempt, in disagreement, in opposition, regardless.
3. excluding, excepting, in other respects, besides, save, without, apart from this. otherworldly, adj. 1. unearthly, supermundane, supramundane, extramundane; transmundane, transcendent; metaphysical, spiritual; supernatural, supra-natural, preternatural; fabulous, remarkable, extraordinary, out of the ordinary, out of this world.
2. spectral, astral, ethereal, ghostly, phantom, phantomlike, wraithlike; incorporeal, Obs. incorporal, unsubstantial, impalpable, intangible, bodiless, disembodied; magical, fey, unreal, insubstantial, fantastic, illusory, visionary, chimeric, chimerical.
3. occult, cabalistic, mystic, mystical, transcendental; mysterious, arcane, esoteric, unknown; eerie, weird, strange, bizarre, uncanny. otiose, adj. 1. leisured, idle, inactive, unoccupied, doing nothing; unemployed, workless, not working, out of a job, Inf. collecting, on the dole, on welfare; vagrant, Inf. on the bum; indolent, lazy, listless, lethargic, insouciant, languid; loitering, loafing, laggard, slothful, sluggish, shiftless, dronish, do-nothing.
2. ineffective, inefficacious, effete, impotent, lame; worn out, washed out or up, null and void; weak, feeble, powerless, inadequate, inefficient, incompetent; unserviceable, inoperative; unrewarding, unremunera-tive, unpaying; profitless, unprofitable, gainless, for naught, flat, stale and unprofitable; abortive, fruitless, barren, sterile, unproductive; fallow, still, dormant, not in operation.
3. superfluous, redundant, extra, not needed; pointless, to no purpose, to no avail, unsuccessful; futile, unavailing, bootless, vain; useless, inutile, worthless, valueless, meritless, nugatory, Inf. throwaway. ottoman, n. divan, backless sofa, beanbag chair, cushiony seat; footstool, footrest, hassock, taboret. oust, v. 1. expel, drive out, force out, thrust out; extrude, eject, run [s.o.] off or out; suspend, SI. kick out, dismiss, fire, show the door, cashier, drum out; Inf. give [s.o.] his walking papers, All SI. sack, can, give [s.o.] the boot, bag, bump, bounce, give [s.o.] the heave-ho; disown, repudiate, reject, discard; exile, expatriate, banish, proscribe, outlaw, relegate, deport; excommunicate, unchurch, ostracize, blackball, exclude, isolate, maroon.
2. Law. dispossess, evict, put out, Inf. put on the street, make homeless. ouster, n. 1. expulsion, discharge, evacuation, dis-lodgement; rejection, repudiation, dismissal, removal; All SI. the boot, the old heave-ho, sacking, bouncing; firing, cashiering, disbarment, drumming out; exile, banishment, expatriation, deportation, transportation; banning, ostracization, excommunication, proscription, marooning, isolation, segregation, outlawing.
2. Law. eviction, ejection, dispossession; wrongful exclusion. out, adv. 1. absent, abroad, away, elsewhere, gone, not at home, forth; flown, missing, not present.