interweave, v. 1. weave, interlace, intertwine, in-terdigitate; intertwist, twine, entwine, wreathe; braid, plait, plat; intersect, decussate, cross, crisscross, twill. 2. intermingle, associate, mix, combine, mesh, commingle; weave in and out, inweave, integrate, consolidate, amalgamate, splice, interlink; blend, incorporate, fuse, hide, tuck in, Inf. bury, Inf. slip in. intestinal, adj. enteric, Med. Obs. alvine, abdominal, ventral, Anat. celiac, splanchnic, visceral, SI. gut; colonic, duodenal, stomachic, gastric, intestine, n. 1. Often intestines alimentary canal, bowel, bowels, colon, colons, {of swine) chitterlings, {of animals) entrails, small intestine, large intestine; viscera, body organs, internal organs, internals; insides, inwards, Inf innards, Inf. gizzard, SI. guts; vital parts, vital organs, vitals.
2. domestic, civil, civic, local; native, native-born, homebred, home-grown, home-raised, homemade; internal, in-house, intramural, Latin, intra muros. intimacy, n. 1. warmth, feeling, caring, affection, tenderness, endearment, fondness; love, amorousness, sexual intimacy, love-making; closeness, dearness, nearness and dearness, familiarity, confidentiality; amity, chumminess, friendliness, brotherliness, sister-liness; fast friendship, friendship, comradeship, fellowship, brotherhood, fraternity, fraternization.
2. close association, deep understanding; knowledge, mastery, comprehension, grasp, handle, hold, SI. fix; acquaintance, conversance, personal knowledge, firsthand knowledge, experience.
3. privacy, seclusion, isolation, solitude, retreat. intimate1, adj. 1. close, dear, familiar, Scot. pack, confidential, bosom; clubby, chummy, hob-and-nob, hand and glove, Inf. thick, Inf thick as thieves, SI. buddy-buddy, SI. palsy-walsy; friendly, neighborly, amicable, sociable; companionly, comradely, brotherly, fraternal.
2. warm, cozy, comfortable, Inf. comfy, snug, Fr. intime; small, numerically limited or restricted, t£te-&-tete, person-to-person, face-to-face.
3. personal, private, privy, secret, confidential; own, exclusive, special, especial, peculiar.
4. sexual, carnal, fleshly; amorous, amatory, erotic, passionate; adulterous, fornicatory; unchaste, impure, immoral.
5. experiential, firsthand, immediate, direct, personal, first person.
6. detailed, deep, thorough, exacting, penetrating, incisive.
7. innermost, inmost, inner, internal, interior, inward; intrinsic, inherent, deep-seated.
-n. 8. confidant, Inf bosom buddy, roommate, bunkmate, SI. bunkie; lover, bedfellow, pillow partner, soul mate, familiar, Fr. intime.
9. close friend, Achates, sidekick, constant companion, shadow, alter ego, other self, Scot. and North Eng. marrow; comrade, Obs. copemate, chum, crony, Fr. copain, U.S. Inf. buddy, Inf pal; teammate, coworker, fellow worker, SI. benchmate, SI. benchie; colleague, confrere, associate, consociate, compeer, peer, mate. intimate2, v. imply, suggest, infer, hint, drop a hint, Inf. give to understand, insinuate, Inf. put a bug in [s.o.'s] ear; clue, give an inkling of, Inf. tip off, cue, prompt; jog one's memory, signal, Inf. give a high sign, wink; breathe, whisper; allude to, advert, refer, indicate.