2. discourage, dispirit, take the heart out of, Inf. take the starch out of, Dial, take the tuck out of; depress, deject, sadden, Inf. break one's heart, distress, cut up, lie heavy on, weigh [s.o.] down, crush, prostrate.
3. dampen, put a damper on, damp, cast a gloom or pall on or over, Inf put a wet blanket on, Inf. throw cold water on; deaden, dull, enervate, weaken, weary, tire.
disheartened, adj. 1. discouraged, disappointed, depressed, dejected, downcast, saddened, brokenhearted, Inf broken-up; distressed, burdened, weighed down, crushed, Inf. broken, prostrate.
2. dismayed, unnerved, unmanned, daunted; terrified, intimidated, cowed, frightened, horrified, appalled, aghast; disconcerted, abashed.
3. spiritless, dispirited, exanimate, weakened, drained, enervated, weary, tired.
dished, adj. concave, incurvate, incurved, cupped, cup-shaped, scyphate, poculiform, caluthiform, Bot., Zool. cyanthiform; scooped, scooped out, hollow, hollowed out, sunken, depressed, pushed in.
disheveled, adj. unkempt, untidy, disordered, disarranged; tousled, mussed, rumpled, blowzy; windblown, uncombed, every which-way; disarrayed, confused, beat up; messy, frowzy, slovenly, slatternly,
dishonest, adj. 1. untruthful, false, mendacious, lying, speaking with forked tongue; deceitful, twofaced, hypocritical, insincere, disingenuous; crooked, cheating, underhanded, shady; rascally, roguish, knavish, thievish, Fagin-like.
2. fraudulent, phony, spurious, counterfeit, fake, U.S. bogus; charlatanic, quackish; deceptive, misleading, tricky, shifty, slippery.
3. unscrupulous, unprincipled, conscienceless; dishonorable, on the take, corrupt, contemptible, wrongful, immoral; unlawful, illegal, criminal, felonious.
4. untrustworthy, faithless, falsehearted, treacherous, perfidious; unjust, unfair.
dishonesty, n. 1. falsity, mendacity, untruthfulness, lying, prevaricating; duplicity, double-dealing, hypocrisy; disingenuousness, insincerity, improbity; deceit, cheating, crookedness, deviousness, knavery, roguery, rascality, villainy; dirty pool, dirty tricks, foul play.
2. fraud, Archaic, covin, deception, humbug, chicanery, trickery, throwing a curve ball, swindle, con game, shell game; sharp practice, shiftiness, dealing from the bottom of the deck, stacking the deck, loading the dice.
3. thievery, larceny, stealing, robbery, highway robbery, holdup; tapping the till, hiking checks, robbing the blind; venality, jobbery, graft, corruption.
4. malpractice, malfeasance, misconduct, illegality, criminality; wrongdoing, wickedness, immorality, unrighteousness, unscrupulousness, unfairness; faithlessness, infidelity, betrayal, perfidy, treachery.
dishonor, n. 1. disgrace, shame, reproach, ignominy, ill-repute, public disgrace or contempt; scandal, degradation, shameful conduct, dishonorableness, ingloriousness; abasement, debasement, vitiation, fall, downfall, descent; infamy, odium, opprobrium, condemnation; humiliation, mortification.
2. disrepute, disfavor, discredit, obloquy, disapproval, disapprobation, disesteem, low estimation, loss of face; belittlement, disparagement, devaluation, depreciation, derogation, detraction, deflation, deprecation.
3. indignity, disrespect, contumely, ill-treatment, maltreatment, insult, affront, abuse, outrage; slight, discourtesy.
4. slur, imputation, aspersion, defamation, denigration, vilification, slander, libel; smear, smirch, blot, blot on the escutcheon, brand, stigma, spot, black spot or mark, Inf. black eye, blemish, smudge, taint, attaint, attainder.