2. rely upon, hope for, calculate upon, count upon, reckon upon, bargain for; trust, look for; require, exact, demand.
3. suppose, surmise, conjecture, believe, presume, Archaic, ween.
expectant, adj. 1. expecting, awaiting, abiding; ready, eager, anxious; in suspense, on tiptoe; apprehensive, on tenterhooks or pins and needles; openeyed, vigilant, open-mouthed, agape; with bated breath.
2. prospective, expected, future, potential, likely, destined, imminent, eventual; threatening, looming, brewing.
3. pregnant, expecting, enceinte, gravid, with child, in the family way.
expectation, n. 1. anticipation, expectancy, prospect, contingency; contemplation, looking forward to, expecting, awaiting, abiding.
2. presumption, reckoning, calculation, anticipatory desire; hope, assurance, trust, reliance, dependence, confidence; suspense, apprehension, anxiety.
3. probability, likelihood, chance, possibility; susceptibility, liableness, liability.
4. Usu.
expectations prospects, outlook, speculation, high hopes; good fortune, profit.
expectorate, v. spit, discharge, expel, eject; cough up, hawk.
expediency, n. 1. suitability, suitableness, seemliness, appropriateness, fittingness; properness, correctness, rightness, goodness; judiciousness, wisdom, sagacity; sensibleness, reasonableness, rationality, intelligence.
2. advisability, desirability, desirableness, practicality, usefulness, utility; advantage, advantageousness, beneficiality, helpfulness, serviceability, favorability, timeliness; convenience, opportunism, propitiousness, auspiciousness, fortunateness, salutariness; valuabili-ty, profitableness, profit, gain, gainfulness, lucrativeness, remunerativeness,
expedient, adj. 1. suitable, seemly, appropriate, befitting, fitting, fit, meet; proper, correct, right, good, essential; prudent, discreet, circumspect, politic, judicious, wise, sage, sagacious; sensible, reasonable, rational, intelligent.
2. advisable, recommendable, desirable, practical, useful; advantageous, beneficial, helpful, of service, serviceable, favorable; convenient, opportune, propitious, auspicious, fortunate, salutary; valuable, profitable, gainful, lucrative, remunerative; to one's best interest, to one's good, all to the good, all for the best. -n. 3. device, tool, contrivance, means, agency, measures, shift, resort, resource; plan, plot, scheme, design; makeshift, stopgap, fabrication, invention; stratagem, machination, artifice, trick, ruse, stroke, coup, maneuver, feint.
expedite, v. 1. hasten, hurry, precipitate, antedate, quicken, speed or step up, accelerate; urge on, press forward, push, shove, drive, railroad.
2. advance, promote, forward, further; encourage, boost, build up, support, patronize; facilitate, enable, make easy for; assist, aid, help, abet, succor, lend a hand, give a leg up.
3. dispatch, accomplish promptly, make short work of, Inf. whip off, Inf. dash off, finish or complete quickly.
4. issue, put forth, give out; dispatch, send off, mail; distribute, circulate, promulgate.
expedition, n. 1. excursion, trip, tour, journey, voyage, sail, cruise; exploration, search; circuit, round trip, turn, whirl; jaunt, junket, stroll, ramble; outing, airing, drive, ride; walk, hike, trek, tramp, peregrina-