fabrication, n. 1. construction, manufacture, production, assemblage, composition, formation, building; structure, organization, complex, architecture, fabric, erection, frame, mold, build, physique, skeleton.
2. origination, invention, creation, concoction, de-visal, contrivance; formulation, design, original work.
3. forgery, fake, counterfeit, sham, falsification, minting, coinage; falsehood, lie, fib, untruth, prevarication, mendacity, untruthfulness; fiction, figment, fable, yarn, tall tale or story, fish story, cock and bull story, Inf song and dance. fabulous, adj. 1. incredible, unbelievable, inconceivable; amazing, astounding, astonishing, prodigious, Scot. unco; stupendous, tremendous, extraordinary, phenomenal, wondrous, miraculous; remarkable, exceptional, Australian, bonzer, Inf. out of this world.
2. marvelous, superb, great, wonderful, Inf. super, Inf neat, Sl. cool, Sl. keen, Sl. boss; Sl. the bee's knees, Sl. the cat's meow, Sl. the cat's pajamas, Sl. far out, Sl. fab; whopping, thumping, thundering, rattling, howling, Brit, father and mother of.
3. fabled, storied, celebrated, traditional, legendary, mythical, mythic; chimerical, figmental, fanciful, imaginary, fantastic, fantastical; visionary, dreamy, quixotic, extravagant, eidetic; romantic, idealistic, storybook, fairytale, Cinderellaesque.
4. fictitious, fictional, made-up, make-believe, Inf. just pretend, pretended, feigned; invented, contrived, concocted, coined, fabricated; unreal, unfounded, notional, suppositional, hypothetical, suppositious. facade, n. 1. front, face, forefront, frontage, exterior.
2. illusion, pretense, false impression, affectation; disguise, mask, masquerade, Sl. put-on, false colors, camouflage, veneer, fake veneer, face, n. 1. countenance, visage, physiognomy, features, lineaments; Sl. mug, Sl. pan, Sl. phiz, Sl. puss, Sl. kisser; silhouette, profile; makeup, cosmetics, war paint.
2. expression, look, mien, aspect, air, demeanor; smile, grin, grimace, smirk, sneer, frown, pout, Fr. moue.
3. prestige, repute, good repute, dignity, family honor.
4. mask, camouflage, veneer, fagade, covering; illusion, false impression, pretense, disguise, masquerade; appearance, semblance, surface.
5. Informal, audacity, effrontery, boldness, impudence, nerve, self-assurance; brass, gall, unmitigated gall, Inf. cheek, SI. lip, sauciness, Inf. sauce, chutzpa.