2. rustic, yokel, country bumpkin, peasant, Inf.hayseed, Inf.hick, Sl.
rube, (in the Southern U.S.) redneck, bogtrotter; clodhopper, Sl.
klutz, clumsy boor, churl, lout, oaf.
3. farmer, husbandman, Brit,
yeoman; farm laborer, Archaic, hind, plowman; swain, country boy orlad, plowboy.
countryside, n.1. rural district, provinces, country, U.S. Inf.
the sticks, Sl.
the boondocks. See - country (def.
2. rustics, countryfolk, countrymen. See - countryman (def.
3. landscape, scenery, scene, panorama, tableau, picture, sight; view, vista, prospect, outlook.
county, n.shire, canton; province, state, region, territory.
coup, n. (all of a highly successful nature)
stroke, move, maneuver, act, action, deed, feat, exploit, stunt; master stroke, Fr. coup de maitre,
stroke of genius, tour de force.
coup de grace, n.deathblow, mortal blow, decisive blow, killing blow, final stroke, finishing touch, quietus, end-all; the kill, the clincher, the settler, the equalizer, the finisher; knockout, knockout blow, KO, Inf. kayo orkayo punch, Inf.Sunday punch, Inf.haymaker, Sl.
coup d'etat, n. (all of political power)
seizure, grab, power grab, coup, putsch, overthrow, overturn; revolt, revolution, rebellion, mutiny, insurgence, uprising; (all in reference to power or government)
violent change, radical ortotal orsweeping change, clean sweep.
couple, n.1. pair, duo, dyad, twosome, binary, couplet, doublet, matched set; brace, span, yoke, team; two, both, Archaic, twain.
2. twins, Astron.
Gemini; partners, lovers, man and wife, husband and wife.
-v. 3. partner, twin, double, pair ormatch up, mate; unite, join, bond, fuse, weld, glue, cohere, stick together, hold together; yoke, bind, tie together, bracket; connect, attach, link, chain, shackle; associate, affiliate, ally.
4. marry, wed, lead [s.o.] to the altar, walk [s.o.] down the aisle, give away, hook up, join in holy wedlock ormatrimony, Sl.
5. copulate, have sex, have relations; fornicate, have an affair.
coupon, n.certificate, check, stub; ticket, Sl.
freebie, Sl.
Annie Oakley; advertisement, label, tag.
courage, n.1. bravery, valor, valorousness, valiancy, valiance, heroism, prowess, stout-heartedness, lionheartedness, iron-heartedness, great-heartedness, high-heartedness; virility, manliness, manfulness, manhood, gallantry, chivalry, chivalrousness; intrepidity, intrepidness, fearlessness, dauntlessness, aweless-ness, dreadlessness; boldness, bold-spiritedness, highspiritedness, daring, dash, £lan, panache, derring-do, audacity, audaciousness, rashness, (usually negative) bravado; assurance, self-assurance, self-reliance, confidence, pot-valor, pot-valiance, pot-valiancy.
2. fortitude, endurance, tenacity, determination, will, will power; firmness, resoluteness, resolution, indomitableness, indomitability, invincibleness, invincibility, staunchness, stanchness, steadfastness, stalwartness, doughtiness, sturdiness, hardiness, hardihood, bulldog courage; mettle, pluck, pluckiness, spirit, backbone, gumption, blood, heart, nerve, grit, U.S. Inf.
sand,Inf. starch, Inf.spunk, Sl.
guts, Sl.
courageous, adj.1. brave, valiant, valorous, heroic, hero-like, stout-hearted, lionhearted, iron-hearted, great-hearted; virile, manly, manful, gallant, chivalrous, chivalric; intrepid, fearless, unafraid, dauntless, dreadless, aweless, nervy, Sl.
gutsy, unblenching, unblenched, undaunted, unalarmed, undismayed, unappalled; bold, bold-spirited, high-spirited, daring, dashing, adventurous, audacious, rash, reckless; assured, self-assured, self-reliant, confident, pot-valorous, pot-valiant.