-n. 6. snap, clap, pop, clack; bang, shot, report, sounding; boom, burst, crash, explosion, detonation.
7. blow, hit, strike, slap, slam, thwack, Inf. whack, Inf clip, Inf. clout; knock, thump, punch, fillip, jab, cuff.
8. fissure, crevice, crevasse, chink, cleft, stria, cranny, interstice, groove, sulcus, Archaic, scissure; fracture, break, chap, check, rupture, split, rift, breach, scission, slit, separation; hole, gap, cavity, opening, orifice, aperture; space, interspace, interval, interstice, narrow.
cracked, adj. 1. broken, crackled, fractured, chipped, chinky, rimose; fissured, split, cloven, reft, rent, agape, dehiscent; holey, foraminous, pervious, leaky.
2. damaged, injured, marred, impaired; faulty, imperfect, defective.
3. Informal, mad, insane, SI. nuts, SI. off one's nut. See crazy (defs. 1, 2, 9). crackle, v. 1. snap, clap, click, crepitate, decrepitate; pop, burst, go bang, shoot off.
2. crack, break, fracture; fragmentize, craze, chap, shiver, shatter, smash, cradle, n. 1. crib, bassinet, baby's bed; bed, cot, litter.
2. hotbed, breeding place, nursery; infancy, nas-cence, beginnings, origins, incunabula; source, foun-tainhead, mainspring, birthplace, origin.
-v. 3. rock, rock to sleep; calm, pacify, quiet, lull, soothe; nestle, tuck in, put to bed.
4. nurture, foster, nourish, mother, tend, care for, take care of, watch over; nurse, wet-nurse, suckle. craft, n. 1. skill, skillfullness, dexterity, adroitness, expertness, mastery, artistry; aptitude, facility, address, dispatch, ready skill, Inf. know-how; ingenuity, cleverness, talent, flair, genius, art, knack.
2. cunning, wiliness, slyness, foxiness, artfulness, guile, subtlety, craftiness, shrewdness; deceit, deception, duplicity, trickery.
3. artifice, subterfuge, contrivance, wile; scheme, plot, design, stratagem.
4. trade, occupation, vocation, calling, metier.
5. guild, union, society, association, organization, fraternity, brotherhood.
6. ship, boat, vessel, bark, skiff. craftsman, n. 1. artisan, handicraftsman, master craftsman, artificer, mechanic; skilled laborer, journeyman.
2. artist, master, old master, past master; talent, genius, prodigy, giant, Inf. wizard or wiz. crafty, adj. 1. cunning, artful, sly, wily, subtle, foxy, SI. crazy like a fox, Scot. and North Eng. pawky; shrewd, astute, canny, sharp, knowing, Inf. cagey.
2. insidious, guileful, disingenuous, scheming, plotting, designing, calculating, contriving; deceitful, tricky, crooked, dishonest, underhanded, Inf. left-hand; false, false-hearted, double-dealing, two-faced, Janus-faced; shifty, slippery, smooth, slick, crag, n. steep rock, cliff, bluff; ridge, Phys. Geog. arlte, scarp, escarpment, palisade; peak crest, aiguille, pinnacle, tor; Chiefly Brit, pike, Scot. and North Eng. brae. craggy, adj. 1. full of crags, cragged; rocky, jagged, gnarled, scraggy, broken, uneven, anfractuous; steep, abrupt, precipitous.
2. rough, harsh, rugged; blunt, brusque, bluff; bearish, surly, churlish; unrefined, unpolished, inurbane, cram, v. 1. stuff, fill, fill up, overfill, overstuff, overcrowd, fill to overflowing, stuff to the gills, fill to