gorgeous, adj. 1. splendid, splendrous, Inf splendiferous, magnificent, resplendent; exquisite, elegant, sumptuous; luxurious, rich, opulent; dazzling, glittering, brilliant, refulgent, radiant; impressive, stately, imposing; beautiful, breath-taking, Literary, beauteous, good-looking, attractive, pulchritudinous, lovely, charming.
2. pleasant, enjoyable, fine, Inf nifty, SI. swell, terrific; glorious, marvelous, SI. marvy, delightful, wonderful; excellent, great, grand, Inf. colossal; first-rate, Inf. super, sensational, superb, perfect, sublime, gormandize, v. gluttonize, gorge, stuff, cram, make a pig of oneself; devour, eat greedily, SI. eat like there's no tomorrow, SI. pig in; eat richly, dine well, SI. eat high off the hog. gory, adj. 1. bloody, bleeding, bloodstained, bloodsoaked, sanguinary, sanguineous; like a slaughterhouse or abattoir.
2. murderous, cruel, brutal, savage; fell, fierce, destructive, dreadful, horrendous, bloodthirsty.
3. unpleasant, disagreeable, distasteful, repellent, revolting; messy, SI. yucky, embarrassing; awful, terrible, grim, ghastly. gospel, n. 1. (often cap.) Christian doctrine, the teachings of Christ, Christianity, Christian revelation, the good news, glad tidings; Scripture, the New Testament, the writings of the evangelists. See Scripture (defs. 1, 2).
2. truth, certainty, fact, verity, authenticity; Inf. the whole truth and nothing but the truth.
3. belief, creed, credo, doctrine, ethic, principle, tenet. gossamer, n. 1. cobweb, spiderweb; thistledown, feather; gauze, tissue, chiffon.
-adj. 2. gossamery, cobwebby, feathery, silky; thin, light, fine, delicate, flimsy, frail; diaphanous, sheer, transparent, see-through, translucent; unsubstantial, airy, light as an angel's breath, gossip, n. 1. rumor, grapevine, Inf. scuttlebutt, hearsay, Fr. oui-dire, report, Archaic, bruit; an earful, SI. dope, Inf. inside info, SI. poop, tittle-tattle; scandal, dirt, whispering campaign, mud-slinging.
2. prattle, idle talk, SI. schmooze, small talk, palaver, Scot. clishmaclaver; chat, chitchat, SI. yackety-yak, SI. yak, twaddle, blather.
3. gossipper, gossipmonger, newsmonger, rumor-monger; whisperer, tattler, talebearer, tattletale; loud mouth, Inf. blabbermouth, SI. big mouth; yenta, tabby, cat; quidnunc, busybody, Paul Pry, snoop, meddler, Australian. SI. stickybeak, eavesdropper; chatterer, gabbler, chatterbox, magpie; babbling brook, blatherskite, prattler, flibbertigibbet.
-v. 4. tattle, Inf. blab, rumor, circulate, bruit, Scot. clishmaclaver, whisper; spread stories, squeal, dish the dirt; prattle, prate, palaver; chatter, chat, chitchat, SI. yak, SI. schmooze; gibber, blather, gabble, run off at the mouth, SI. have diarrhea of the mouth, SI. jaw, shoot the breeze, gothic, adj. 1. medieval; barbaric, barbarous, uncivilized, rude.
2. (of literary style) gloomy, grotesque, macabre, violent; (of novels) mystery, gourmand, n. 1. gastronome, epicure. See gourmet.
2. gormandizer, trencherman. See glutton, gourmet, n. gastronome, epicure, connoisseur, Fr. bon vivant, Fr. bon viveur; dainty feeder, refined feeder, good palate, Lucullus. govern, v. 1. rule, reign, exercise control over, hold sway, wield the scepter, wield the power or authority, wear the crown, occupy the throne, have the whip hand; command, order, dictate, call the shots, run the show; boss, lay down the law, be in the driver's seat, be in the saddle, wear the pants or trousers.