-adj. 2. similar, cognate, Siamese, congeneric, congenerous, kindred, connatural; fellow, like, alike, of a piece, akin to, of a kind; corresponding, correspondent, analogous, comparable, parallel, homologous, matching; identical, same, one and the same, selfsame.
3. double, doubled, duplex, duplicate, two, Archaic. twain, Bot. bijugate, Bot. binate, binary, Algebra, binominal; geminate, geminated, coupled, Bot. didy-mous, paired, conjugate, matched; dualistic, dual, twofold. twine, n. 1. cord, cable, rope, string, wire, yarn; twist, plait, braid.
2. convolution, coil, spiral, helix, spire, volute, whorl, Bot. tendril.
3. knot, tangle, snarl.
-v. 4. interwind, interweave, interlace, intertwine; entwine, weave, lace, knit, splice; plait, pleach, braid.
5. wreathe, encircle, circle, surround, wrap, enwrap.
6. meander, snake, worm, twist and turn, twist, turn, wind, zigzag. twinge, n. 1. sharp pain, prick, stab, smart; gripe, cramp, spasm, twitch, stitch, crick, kink, tic; ache, throb, tingle.
2. pang, qualm, mental pain, scruple, misgiving; hesitation, hesitancy, recoil, shrinking; uneasiness, discomfort, malaise.
-v. 3. pinch, bite, gripe, twitch, nip; smart, sting, shoot, stab, lancinate, grind, chafe, gnaw; hurt, pain, ache, throb, tingle, twinkle, v. 1. glint, glimmer, glitter, glisten, Archaic. glister; shine, sparkle, light, spark, scintillate; flicker, blink, wink, flutter; quiver, shiver, ripple; shimmer, dance, dazzle, bedazzle; flash, flare, fulgurate, gleam, glare, coruscate; illuminte, illumine, Archaic. illume; glow, radiate, incandesce, phosphoresce; brighten, light up, become luminous or radiant; ef-fulge, shine forth, beam.
2. flutter, stir, dart, dartle, spring, move quickly; glint, flash, streak; whisk, skim, glide; flit, flirt, dance, fly, wing; waver, vacillate, oscillate, fluctuate.
-n. 3. glint, glimmer, glistening, glistering, glitter ing; shining, sparkling, sparkle, spark, scintillation, scintilla; flickering, flicker, fluttering, flutter, quivering, quiver, shivering, shiver, rippling, ripple; shimmering, shimmer, dancing, dazzling, dazzle, bedazzling; flash, flare, fulguration, gleam, gleaming, glare, glaring, coruscation; illumination, glow, glowing, radiance, incancescence, phosphorescence, iridescence.
4. twinkling, instant, breath, second, split second; moment, minute, trice, flash, Inf. jiffy; blink, Inf bat, wink, eyewink, wink of an eye, Fr. coup d'oeil; twinkling of an eye, Inf. bat of an eye, two shakes of a lamb's tail. twinkling, n. 1. glinting, glimmering, sparkling. See twinkle {def. 3).
2. instant, second, moment. See twinkle (def 4). twirl, v. 1. spin, revolve, rotate, whirl, gyrate; pivot, wheel, turn on one's heel, pirouette; twiddle.
-n. 2. spin, twist, turn, whirl.
3. coil, helix, spiral, spire, volute, whorl, convolution. twist, v. 1. twine, entwine, weave, lace, knit, splice; plait, pleach, braid; intertwine, interwind, interweave, interlace.
2. circle, encircle, surround, wrap, enwrap, wreathe.
3. sprain, wrench, turn, wrick, throw out of joint.
4. contort, distort, screw, screw up, make a face, grimace; pout, stick out one's lower lip, Fr. faire la