2. enthusiasm, eagerness, earnestness, keenness, intentness, intensity, excitement; vigor, force, energy, determination, vehemence; relish, gusto, delight, enjoyment; elation, rapture, ecstasy, transport.
3. exuberance, ebullience, vitality, animation, spirit, spiritedness; life, buoyancy, bounce, zest, verve, zing, Sl. oomph.
4. fanaticism, zealotry. See - zealotry (defs. 1, 2).
zealot, n. 1. fanatic, enthusiast, energumen; partisan, bigot, sectarian; extremist, radical.
2. devotee, votary, champion, disciple; fan, aficionado, Inf. buff, Sl. nut; addict, Inf. fiend, Sl. junkie, Sl. freak; promoter, supporter, booster, Inf. pusher,
zealotry, n. 1. fanaticism, single-mindedness, obsession, monomania; feverishness, passion, frenzy, hysteria, insanity.
2. dogmatism, bigotry, intolerance, close-minded-ness, narrow-mindedness; prejudice, bias, partiality,
zealous, adj. fervent, earnest, eager, enthusiastic, excited; ardent, Inf. gung-ho, impassioned, passionate; fervid, perfervid, feverish, rabid, monomaniacal; vigorous, vehement, forceful, energetic; determined, persistent, dogged, tenacious; devoted, devout, religious, pious.
zenith, n. 1. summit, vertex, apex, apogee, peak, pinnacle, spire, point, tip, tiptop; top, crown, cap, head, headpiece.
2. acme, meridian, climax, culmination, crowning point, Latin, ne plus ultra; sublimity, supremacy, consummation, perfection; best, finest, utmost, uttermost, extreme, U.S. Sl. the greatest, U.S. Sl. the most; prime, heyday, bloom, full flower, flowering, blossom, efflorescence.
zero, n. 1. nothing, naught, aught, nil, Sl. nix, Sl. zilch. Tennis, love; cipher, Inf. goose egg; absolutely nothing, nothing at all, Brit. Sl. sweet Fanny Adams or sweet F.A.
2. nobody, nullity, nonentity, Inf. nebbish, Inf. pipsqueak, twerp; jackstraw, man of straw, lay. figure.
3. nadir, lowest point; bottom, rock bottom.
-v.4. zero in on pinpoint, home in on, fix, get a fix on.
zest, n. 1. relish, spice, tang, flavor, seasoning, savor; twang, zing, zip, Inf. pizzazz, Inf. ginger, edge; pungency, piquancy, bite.
2. gusto, dan, animation, zestfulness; life, spirit, zip, Sl. oomph, Sl. kick; glow, warmth, soul; vivacity, Fr. joie de vivre, liveliness, lustiness, robustness; alacrity, delight, joy, gaiety, spiritedness; exuberance, exhilaration, elation, heartiness,
zestful, adj. 1. piquant, pungent, spicy, nippy;