rapport, n. relation, relationship, connection, bond, tie; affinity, compatibility, harmony, agreement, accord, understanding,
rapprochement, n. reconciliation, harmonization, settlement, agreement, understanding, entente, accord, ddtente.
rapscallion, n. rascal, rogue, scamp, scapegrace, Inf. scalawag; bad or naughty boy, mischief-maker, troublemaker, devil, Inf. cut-up, prankster, practical joker; cad, churl, louse, bully, ruffian; knave, blackguard, villain, miscreant, picaroon, wretch, dastard, reprobate; cur, dog, Inf. hound, Sl. lowlife, Archaic. caitiff, Archaic, coistrel; delinquent, misdemeanant, felon, malefactor, criminal, outlaw; good-for-nothing, Fr. vaurien, ne'er-do-well, Sl. bum, Sl. rip, vagabond, black sheep.
rapt, adj. 1. abstracted, engrossed, lost in, consumed, absorbed, immersed, wrapped up, busy, occupied, obsessed, Sl. hung up; preoccupied, intent, concentrating, focusing, pensive, cerebrational, thoughtful, thinking, lost in thought, bemused, musing, Archaic, museful; meditative, meditating, contemplative, contemplating, reflective, reflecting.
2. enraptured, enrapt, rapturous, ecstatic, exalted, entranced, ravished; transported, moved, carried away, bewitched, enchanted, fascinated, captivated, spellbound; thrilled, excited, in a quiver, inspired, delighted, delectated, charmed, emoting, emotional; blissful, beatific, joyful, joyous, jubilant, elated, blithe, happy.
rapture, n. exaltation, elation, exhilaration, thrill, Sl. rush, excitement, excitation; ecstatic joy or delight, delectation, enjoyment, fun, pleasure, ravishment; enchantment, bliss, euphoria, transport, seventh heaven, cloud nine; elysium, paradise, heaven, heaven on earth, eden or Garden of Eden, utopia; blessedness, beatitude, happiness, gladness, felicity,
rapturous, adj. ecstatic, orgasmic, exalted, exhilarated, excited, enthusiastic, thrilled, elated, overjoyed; transported, ravished, enravished, enraptured, overcome; rhapsodic, blissful, in heaven, in seventh heaven, on cloud nine, happy as a clam at high tide; beside oneself, bouncing with joy, delirious, euphoric, Inf. high, intoxicated; in orbit, flying, swinging on stars, floating, walking on air; entranced, enchanted, captivated, fascinated, charmed; very happy, delighted, joyful, glad, felicitous, beaming, smiling,
rara avis, n. rare bird, rarity, rare person or thing, one of a kind; curiosity, oddity, anomaly, aberration, freak, freak of nature; wonder, marvel, miracle, find, discovery; masterpiece, chef d'oeuvre, gem, pearl, flower; nonesuch, nonpareil, ideal, paragon, phoenix, perfection.
rare, adj. 1. uncommon, unusual, uncustomary, unaccustomed, unfamiliar, unwonted, unique;