All SI. get the lead out, step on it, hop on it, get a move on, stir one's stumps.
race2, n. 1. nation, people, folk; tribe, clan, family.
2. line, bloodline, descent, blood, strain, stirps, breed, extraction; ancestry, parentage, paternity; house.
3. man, mankind, humankind, family of man, humanity, human race, Homo sapiens.
4. class, species, genus; kind, sort, ilk, variety, Inf. lot. racer, n. 1. race horse, mudder, plate horse, quarter horse, trotter, Inf. pony, Horse Racing SI. bangtail; greyhound; racing car, stock car, formula-I, dragster, hot rod; runner, sprinter, miler, long-distance runner, cross-country runner, harrier.
2. speeder, flier; All Inf. hummer, sizzler, hustler, hell-driver, Inf. scorcher, speed demon, speed merchant. racetrack, n. racecourse, raceway, course, oval, (in ancient Greece and Rome) hippodrome, (in Ancient Rome) circus; the turf, the track; autodrome, speedway, drag strip. raciness, n. (all of speech or writing) piquancy, pungency, spiciness, saltiness, race; liveliness, spiritedness, spirit, verve, vigorousness, briskness; suggestiveness, lewdness, indelicacy, ribaldry, Archaic. bawdry; earthiness, rawness, coarseness, grossness, crudeness. racism, n. racialism, racial discrimination, discrimination, apartheid, Jim Crowism, white supremacy or power; intolerance, bigotry, prejudice, narrow-mindedness, closed-mindedness; anti-Semitism. racist, n. 1. bigot, intolerant, illiberal, Inf. little person, SI. Archie Bunker; anti-Semite.
-adj. 2. prejudiced, bigoted, intolerant, illiberal, closed-minded; anti-Semitic. rack, n. 1. frame, framing, framework, trestle, arbot, scaffolding, structure; stretcher, form, Both Textiles, drawing frame, perch; hanger, clothes or hat tree or rack, bar, pole, dowel; stand, trivet, grate, grating, holder; crib, cradle, bed, Naut. chock; shelf, ledge, counter, row.
2. torture, infliction, pain, hurt, wound, sting, pang; torment, persecution, crucifixion, harassment; affliction, plague, adversity, scourge, curse, visitation, thorn in one's side or flesh; agony, misery, suffering, wretchedness, martyrdom; anguish, distress, woe, har-rowment, tribulation, trouble, hell.
-v. 3. torture, agonize, excruciate, martyr, put [s.o.] on the rack; pain, hurt, scathe, abuse, maltreat, beat, SI. work [s.o.] over, SI. give [s.o.] the works, Archaic. belabor; torment, persecute, crucify, afflict, plague, beleaguer, harass; anguish, distress, grieve, sorrow, rend, tear [s.o.j up, lacerate, put [s.o.] through the wringer; harrow, upset, disturb, toss, agitate, derange, convulse, shake up, rattle, disquiet, discomfit; worry, trouble, Scot. fash.