sunder, v. separate, part, divide, divorce, split, cleave, sever, dissever, rupture; partition, halve, bisect, quarter, section; rive, rend, Obs. dimidiate, bifurcate; disconnect, disjoin, dissociate, disassociate; cut or chop apart, cut in two, hack, slash,
sundry, adj. various, varied, variegated, diversified, diverse, heterogeneous, assorted; divers, several, manifold, multifarious, multifaceted, many; dissimilar, separate, individual, different,
sunk, adj. Slang, done for, washed-up, beyond help; ruined, demolished, kaput; bankrupt, on the rocks; had it.
sunken, adj. 1. submerged, submersed, immersed, engulfed, inundated; drowned, capsized, foundered, Naut. scuttled.
2. settled, compacted, buried, mired, planted, laid; lowered, at a lower level, below ground.
3. hollow, depressed, indented, concave; incurvate, incurving; cup-shaped, calathiform, Bot., Zool. cy-athiform.
sunless, adj. 1. dark, Literary, darkling, unlighted, tenebrous; black, black as pitch, inky-black, pitchy, Cimmerian, like Erebus, dark as a well; nightlike, dim, darksome, darkish, dusky, subfuscous, murky; hazy, misty, Archaic, caliginous, cloudy, overcast, gray, nebulose, foggy, shadowy, shaded, umbrageous.
2. gloomy, Stygian, bleak, dismal, somber, grim, glum; dreary, Literary, drear, sad, depressing, funereal; cheerless, joyless, unsmiling, unhappy, mirthless.
sunlight, n. sunshine, brightness, happiness, cheer. See - sunshine (defs. 1-4). sunny, adj. 1. sunshiny, sunbeamy, sunlit, well-lighted, bright, streaming with light or sunshine; shining, blazing, glowing; golden, clear, pleasant, radiant; cloudless, without a cloud in the sky or on the horizon, unclouded, clement, mild; summery, like a day in July, tropical.
2. cheery, cheerful, joyous, gay, blithe, jovial, jocund; happy, mirthful, jolly, genial, warm, warm-hearted; bubbly, ebullient, buoyant, light-hearted; smiling, laughing, dancing, singing, songful, with a song on one's lips; optimistic, hopeful, hoping for the best; bright-eyed, bright-eyed and bushy-tailed,
sunrise, n. 1. sunup, dawn, dawning, dawn's early light, crack of dawn or day, daybreak, morning, morn; beginning of a new day, rosy-fingered dawn, cockcrow, first blush of day, peep of day, gold of the day, Aurora, Eos; twilight, crepuscule.
2. morning watch, dogwatch, sunrise watch, Journalism. lobster trick, Journalism, bulldog trick, Eccles. matins, small hours, wee hours.
3. beginning, opening, start, initiation, inauguration, kickoff; genesis, commencement, aurora, fresh start, new start.
sunset, n. 1. nightfall, close of day, sundown, even-fall; twilight, crepuscule, candlelight; evening, eve. eventide, Archaic, even, Archaic, evensong; dusk, Literary, gloaming, Archaic, glooming.
2. children's hour, cocktail time, happy hour, curfew, Inf. shank of the evening.
3. culmination, finish, finis, finale, end, conclusion, termination; homestretch, last round or lap or stage, final act, final curtain, curtain; waning days, golden years, sunset years; last inning, bottom of the ninth.
sunshade, n. 1. sun hat, sunbonnet, sun helmet, pith helmet, topee; kibbutz hat, kerchief, kaffiyeh; goggles, dark glasses, sunglasses, SI. shades, smoked glasses, eyeshade, eyeshield, visor; tarpaulin, Inf. tarp,