-n. 4. whack, hard hit, bang, bump, thump; blow, bastinado, punch, box; Inf. wallop, Inf. whomp, cuff, thwack, slap, smack, Inf. clout; beating, battering, pounding, Sl. pasting; thrashing, flogging, lashing, switching; scourging, flagellation, whipping.
pelt2, n. animal skin, animal hide, skin, hide; fleece,
wool, fur, fell, coat.
pen1, n. 1. writing instrument, quill, feather, plume; style, stylus, stylograph; ballpoint or ballpoint pen, Trademark. Bic; fountain pen, cartridge pen; felt-tip or felt-tip pen, Trademark. Magic Marker, Trademark. Flair, Trademark. Pentel, Trademark. Bic Banana.
2. nib, penpoint.
3. writer, penman, penner, Sl. pen-pusher, Sl. pencil-pusher, Sl. inkslinger, Sl. ink spiller; Sl. quill driver; scribe, scrivener, amanuensis, secretary, clerk; copier, transcriber, Judaism, sopher; author, composer, creative writer, wordsmith, word painter; hack, scribbler, Inf. word-slinger, Inf. potboiler, Chiefly Brit. Archaic. penny-a-liner.
-v. 4. write, commit to paper, put pen to paper, jot down, Rare, scribe; draft, draw up, write up or out; scrawl, scribble, scratch; author, compose, indite. pen2, n. 1. enclosure, close, confine, pound; stall, crib; fold, corral, sty, pigsty; coop.
-v. 2. enclose, confine, corral, crib, mew, Archaic. pound; coop in or up, shut in or up, close in, box up; contain, bound, fence in, wall in, rail in. penal, adj. punitive, disciplinary, penalizing, retributive, castigatory; corrective, correctional. penalize, v. 1. punish, amerce, mulct, chasten; discipline, correct, inflict a penalty on; castigate, chastise, make [s.o.] pay the piper, Inf. throw the book at, make [s.o.] take his medicine; distrain, constrain; sentence, pass sentence on, impose a fine or sentence, fine, judge, imprison, send up the river.
2. handicap, disadvantage, put at a disadvantage, put behind the eightball, disable; distress, bother, disturb, perturb; hinder, hamper, impede, impair; check, curb, restrain, hold back; burden, encumber, weigh down, saddle. penalty, n. 1. punishment, penalization, amercement, penance; sentence, condemnation; chastening, castigation, chastisement; deserved reward, just deserts, what one asked for, Inf. comeuppance; pay, payment, wages; discipline, punitive action, correction; retribution, nemesis, requital, retaliation, revenge.
2. forfeiture, forfeit, fine, mulct, damages; loss, deprivation, suffering, distress, pain.
3. disadvantage, handicap, price one pays; problem, difficulty, snag, catch, Sl. hooker; impediment, obstacle, hindrance. penance, n. punishment, penalty; atonement, reparation, amends; propitiation, lustration, placation, offering; repentance, penitence, contrition; mea culpa, humiliation, mortification, hairshirt, sackcloth and ashes, self-flagellation, sacrifice, rending of garments. penchant, n. inclination, proneness, propensity, proclivity, tendency; leaning, bent, bias, prejudice, predisposition; predilection, preference, partiality, liking, desire, craving; fondness, soft spot in one's heart, fancy, whim, notion; attachment, attraction, affinity, weakness, Sl. thing, Sl. real thing; mind, turn of mind, willingness, aptitude, ear, eye, disposition, temper; taste, palate, relish, appreciation, gusto, zest, appetite; rage, passion, zeal. pencil, n. 1. lead pencil, lead, automatic pencil, writing instrument; crayon, chalk, pastel, felt-tipped pen, Trademark. Magic Marker, Trademark. Flair.