jumble, hodgepodge, clutter.
congest, v. crowd, overcrowd, pack, cram, jam, stuff, wad, bunch; fill, overfill, plug, stop up, block, choke; inundate, flood, drench; gorge, glut, cloy, overfeed; overburden, overload, surcharge, overcharge,
congestion, n. 1. crowding, overcrowding, packing, cramming, jamming, stuffing, wadding, bunching; filling up, plugging, stopping up, blocking, fullness, overfullness, repletion; plethora, profusion, superabundance, superfluity, nimiety, surfeit, excess.
2. obstruction, jam, tie-up, pileup, snarl,
conglomerate, n. 1. agglomeration, agglomerate, aggregation, aggregate, conglomeration; corporation, multinational, multicompany; firm, company, partnership, joint concern, merger; trust, monopoly, cartel. -adj. 2. gathered, agglomerate, amassed, massed, clustered, agminate; grouped, combined, aggregate, mixed; united, joined, incorporated, merged,
congratulate, v. 1. wish [s.o.] joy, rejoice with, felicitate, compliment, wish [s.o.] many happy returns, Archaic, gratulate, offer one's felicitations or compliments, bless; shake [s.o.'s] hand, Inf. pat on the back; hail, salute.
2. applaud, acclaim, cheer; praise, sound the praises of, sing the praises of, cry up, Inf. crack up; laud, extol, Archaic, magnify,
congratulation, n. 1. wishing [s.o.] joy, rejoicing with, well-wishing, felicitation, complimenting, Archaic. gratulation, blessing. -interj. 2.
congratulations best wishes, good wishes, bless you, take a bow, nice going, Si. way to go; fine business, many happy returns,
congratulatory, adj. complimentary, felicitating, con-gratulant, congratulational, Archaic, gratulatory, gratulant; exultant, rejoicing, jubilant; celebrative, celebratory, favorable, positive; praising, praiseful, acclamatory, laudatory, commendatory,
congregate, v. 1. gather, group, cluster, bunch up or together; mass, crowd, agglomerate; flock together, throng, herd, swarm; bring together, convoke, summon, call together, rally, muster, call up, mobilize; round up, round in, ingather.
2. assemble, convene, forgather, come together, converge, meet, Inf. gang up, huddle, go into a huddle, get together, rendezvous,
congregation, n. 1. gathering, assembly, assemblage, meeting; group, body, circle, knot; crowd, throng, bunch, mob, rout; gang, crew, company, band, troop, troupe; galaxy, multitude, host; congestion, press, crush; concourse, cumulation, confluence, convergence.
2. conclave, convocation, council, synod, consistory, conventicle; muster, mobilization, association, union, combination; conference, convention, congress; caucus, bloc, Rom. Antiq. comitia, junta; forgathering, conjunction, coalescence.
3. community, flock, body, fold, parish; brethren, laity, fellowship, communion.
congress, n. 1. legislature, Parliament, Duma; upper house, House of Lords, Senate; lower house, House of Commons, House of Representatives.
2. assembly, meeting, assemblage, gathering, concourse, Inf. powwow; conference, convention, muster; caucus, bloc, junta; conclave, convocation, council, synod, consistory, conventicle, soviet; forgathering, conjunction, coalescence; session, hearing, stance; interview, audience, sitting.
3. encounter, confrontation, counteraction; dealings, transaction, traffic, commerce, intercourse; conversation, discourse, converse.
4. coitus, intercourse, copulation, fornication. See - coitus.