questioner, n. 1. interrogator, inquisitor, interlocutor; inquirer, querist, asker; examiner, investigator, inspector, scrutator, scrutinizer; catechist, quizzer. 2. disbeliever, doubting Thomas, unbeliever, misbeliever, Turkish, giaour; skeptic, nullifidian, Pyr-rhonist; cynic, nihilist; heathen, pagan, infidel; freethinker, iconoclast, agnostic, atheist, latitudinarian; heretic, recusant; apostate, backslider; rationalist.
queue, n. 1. braid, pigtail, ponytail, cue.
2. line of persons, file, row, cordon, rank, range; string, series, train, chain, concatenation; sequence, succession, progression, order.
-v. 3. line up, get in line, wait in line, fall into line, fall in; arrange, order, group, rank.
quibble, n. 1. equivocation, prevarication, evasion, dodge, elusion, avoidance; shuffling, shifting, hedging, beating around the bush; qualification, compromise, cop out; ambiguity, amphibology, vagueness, indefiniteness, indistinctness, indeterminateness; vacillation, tergiversation; double-speak, double talk, palter, weasel words, sophistry, deception, deceit, speciousness, chicane, chicanery, fraud.
2. pun, play upon words, word play, double-entendre; riddle, puzzle, enigma, conundrum.
3. criticism, objection, complaint, protest; bickering, caviling, Inf. nitpicking, pettifogging, splitting hairs, chopping logic, trifling.
-v. 4. doubletalk, Inf. talk out both sides of one's mouth, palter; equivocate, prevaricate, SI. waffle, fudge, lie; evade, dodge, elude, weasel out, shuffle; shift, hedge, beat around the bush; mislead, deceive, mystify.
5. cavil, Inf. nitpick, pettifog, belabor a point, split hairs, chop logic, trifle, beg the question; bicker, bandy words, moot, sift; squabble, haggle, SI. hassle, Scot. argle-bargle.
quibbler, n. captious reasoner, caviler, hairsplitter, Inf. nitpicker, nag; equivocator, sphinx, Delphic oracle; double-talker; sophist, casuist, Logic. parologist; prevaricator, liar, palterer.
quibbling, adj. 1. carping, caviling, pettifogging, hairsplitting, niggling, Inf. nitpicking; jesuitical, sophistical, casuistic, Logic, paralogistic; critical, hypercritical, captious, censorious, overcritical, faultfinding.
2. prevaricative, prevaricatory, deceptive, misleading; elusive, evasive, enigmatic, double-talking; ambiguous, amphibological, equivocative, equivocal, amphibolous, amphibolic.
quick, adj. 1. prompt, immediate, sudden, instantaneous, expeditious; rapid, speedy, swift, fast, fleet; express, light-footed, nimble-footed, winged; flying, hurried, precipitate, headlong; hasty, cursory, summary, perfunctory.
2. brief, fleeting, momentary, transient, transitory, fugacious; evanescent, ephemeral, elusive, mercurial;