sponsible, in, inside, in the driver's seat, holding the reins, holding sway, holding down the fort.
2. obligatory, binding, compelling, constrictive, commanding, demanding, necessary, inescapable, prescribed, compulsory, mandatory.
3. resting, lying, leaning, reclining, reposing, lounging, SI. flopping. -n. 4. office holder, official, functionary; occupant, resident, tenant, sojourner,
incur, v. 1. enter into, fall into, fall in with.
2. assume, bring on or upon, run up; bring down, contract, bargain for; welcome, invite, admit of, expose oneself to, lay oneself open to; be liable, be subject to, lie under.
incurable, adj. hopeless, past or beyond hope, affording no hope, beyond recall, terminal; unhealable, inoperable, immedicable, irremediable, cureless,
incurious, adj. uninquisitive, uninquiring; uninterested, disinterested, unconcerned, apathetic, indifferent, impassive, dispassionate, bored; nonchalant, blase, pococurante; careless, heedless, inattentive, inadvertent, unmindful, regardless; carefree, insouciant, Fr. sans souci.
incursion, n. 1. raid, foray, sally, sortie; attack, assault, onslaught, onset; invasion.
2. inroad, intrusion, infiltration, penetration; trespass, encroachment, infringement, irruption; transgression, overstepping; usurpation, takeover, seizure,
indebted, adj. 1. obligated, obliged, beholden, owing, bound, bounden; liable, accountable, answerable, chargeable, responsible.
2. grateful, thankful, appreciative.
3. in arrears, in debt, SI. in debt up to one's ears, encumbered, SI. in hock, in the hole, in the red; insolvent, bankrupt, Inf. on the rocks.
4. outstanding, unpaid, due, liquidated,
indebtedness, n. 1. debts, liabilities; Accounting. debit, deficit, due, score; default, arrears, arrearage; insolvency, bankruptcy, failure.
2. obligation, Obs. beholdenness; accountability, accountableness, chargeability, answerability, responsibility.
3. gratitude, gratefulness, thankfulness, appreciation.
indecency, n. 1. impropriety, improperness, indecorum, indecorousness; gaucheness, gaucherie, uncouthness, crassness, boorishness, rudeness, ill-breeding, unmannerliness, ill-manneredness, uncivility, uncivilness, ungentlemanliness; inappropriateness, unsuitability, unsuitableness, unaptness, unseemliness, unacceptability, unacceptableness.
2. indelicacy, inelegance, immodesty; grossness, rankness, repulsiveness, repulsivity, offensiveness, sugges-tivity; abusiveness, scurrilousness, blackguardism.
3. vulgarity, vulgarness, vulgarism, obsceneness, obscenity, salaciousness, salacity, vileness, foulness; filthiness, nastiness, SI. raunchiness; lecherousness, lubricity, lustfulness, bawdiness, libidinousness, concupiscence, carnality, carnalness, sexiness, sensuality; licentiousness, lasciviousness, wantonness, looseness, promiscuity, promiscuousness; immorality, dissoluteness, dissipation, rakishness, shamelessness.
indecent, adj. 1. indelicate, inelegant, immodest, shameless, broad; gross, rank, repulsive, offensive, disgusting, distasteful, risqu£, suggestive, off-color, Inf. blue; outrageous, sensational, lurid, scandalous, shocking; abusive, ribald, scurrilous, blackguardly, thersitical, profane, foul-mouthed, Fescennine, Obs. blackguard.
2. vulgar, obscene, lewd, salacious, pornographic, vile, foul, filthy, dirty, smutty, nasty, scatologic, scat-