-adj. 2. eccentric, unconventional, uncommon, unusual, unorthordox, uncustomary, out of the ordinary; atypical, original, singular; peculiar, curious, queer, odd. See - eccentric (defs. 1-3).
oddity, n. 1. curiosity, rarity; card, character, case, sport, original, pip, eccentric, exception, individual; flake, freak, crackpot, rare bird, queer duck, queer potato; All SI. weirdo, weirdy, creep, oddball, nut, loony, looner, screwball; nonconformist, deviator, Chiefly Brit, punk; misfit, maverick, dropout, loner, lone wolf, solitary, fish out of water, square peg in a round hole.
2. oddness, strangeness, queerness, bizarreness, curiousness, quirkiness, incongruousness; uncommonness, uncommonality, unconventionality, unusualness, uniqueness, exception, singularity, singularness, individuality, individualness, distinctiveness; monstrousness, unnaturalness, freakishness; whimsicality, capriciousness, fancifulness, waggishness.
3. peculiarity, idiosyncrasy, idiocrasy, eccentricity, mannerism, quirk, twist, kink, twitch, tic, idiasm, hobby-horse; quip, crotchet, whim, caprice, flight of fancy; aberration, aberrance, aberrancy, deviation, anomaly, Rare, anomalism.
oddment, n. 1. knickknack, notion, sundry, curio, gewgaw, bric-a-brac, novelty; keepsake, souvenir, memento, remembrance, reminder, relic, memorabilia, token.
2. scrap, remnant, leaving, paring, chip, snip, discard, sliver, chunk, shred, crumb, leftover; piece, tag, snatch, snippet, bit, fragment, gobbet, patch, modicum.
3. All Print, frontispiece, title page, table of contents, list of acknowledgements, list of abbreviations, pronounciation table or key or guide, glossary, notes, bibliography, addendum, addenda, appendix, appendices.
odds, n. 1. probability, likelihood, chances.
2. advantage, lead, edge, handicap; superiority, supremacy, preeminence, ascendancy, predominance; inferiority, disadvantage, deficiency, inadequacy.
3. difference, disparity, unevenness, inequality; variation, discrepancy, irregularity.
4. at odds at variance, at sixes and sevens, at loggerheads, at cross purposes; in disagreement, not in keeping with, out of line with, in opposition to, different from, counter to; differing, diverging, deviating, unharmonious; disagreeing, clashing, conflicting, colliding.
5. by all odds in every respect, undoubtedly, anyway you look at it, by far, by a long shot, by any stretch of the imagination; unquestionably, indubitably, definitely, unequivocally.
odds and ends, n. bits, particles, fragments, gobbets, modicums, specks, morsels, flakes, crumbs, chunks; tags, patches, snatches, scantlings; remnants, leftovers, scraps; cuttings, shavings, slivers, chips, parings, pieces, snips, snippets, shreds, splinters.
ode, n. poem, lyric poem, lyric, lay, Archaic, fit; ecologue, pastoral poem; ballad, song, folk song, broadside, ditty, carol; serenade, love song, blues song; epicedium, funeral song, dirge; elegy, encomium, panegyric.
odious, adj. 1. abhorrent, abominable, execrable, loathsome, detestable, heinous; scornful, contemptible, disdainful, despicable, ignominious; invidious, hateful, antipathetical: dislikable, unlikable.
2. repugnant, disgusting, aversive, rank, putrid, putrescent, foul; distasteful, nauseating, nauseous, sickening, unpalatable, obnoxious; revolting, repellent, offensive, objectionable, annoying; unendurable, unbearable, intolerable, insufferable: horrible, hideous, ugly; ignoble, abject, low; unpleasant, Brit. Inf. beastly.