regeneration, n. 1. reformation, rehabilitation, betterment, improvement, uplifting, conversion; reclamation, restoration; redemption, salvation.
2. reconstitution, reconstruction, rebuilding, remodeling, renovation, renewal; repair, mending, overhaul, reconditioning.
3. rebirth, revival, renascence, reproduction, recreation.
regent, n. 1. viceroy, vice-emperor, vice-king, vicesultan, vice-caliph; vice-queen, vicereine; protector, palatine, khedive, satrap, margrave, burgrave; mandarin, pasha, bey, tetrarch, nabob; minister, commissioner; deputy, agent, proxy, substitute, Latin, alter ego, Latin, locum tenens, surrogate; Inf. tool, Inf. frontman, Inf. catspaw.
2. ruler, governor, master, lord, seigneur; controller, dictator, commander, overlord; patriarch, potentate, sovereign, suzerain, monarch; emperor, king, majesty, liege, liege lord; chief, head, principal; autocrat, despot, tyrant, oligarch, dictator,
regime, n. government, governance, regimen, system of government; rule, control, command, dominion; reign, administration, direction; guidance, conduct, regulation, management,
regimen, n. 1. diet, Obs. dietary, regime; therapy, treatment, medical treatment or attention or care.
2. rule, reign, sovereignty, sway; government, direction, management, administration, regulation, discipline.
3. method, system, way, means, manner; style, fashion, mode.
regiment, v. 1. discipline, rule with an iron hand or fist, hold or keep a tight hand upon, keep a tight rein upon, keep [s.o.] in line, run a tight ship; wield authority, crack the whip.
2. methodize, systematize, standardize, organize, regulate, coordinate,
regimentation, n. 1. discipline, strict or rigid discipline, strictness, severity, sternness, Inf. toughness; tight ship, tight rein, iron hand or fist or grip.
2. methodization, systematization, standardization, organization, coordination; arrangement, distribution, disposition, disposal, formation,
region, n. 1. area, territory, zone; section, part, portion; site, place, whereabouts, locale, location, spot; plot, plat, lot, tract.
2. district, province, precinct, quarter; department, division.
3. sphere, orbit, orb, ambit; arena, field, pale; realm, domain, dominion; jurisdiction, bailiwick.
regional, adj. 1. territorial, geographical, topographic, zonal.
2. local, localized; sectional, provincial; parochial, insular.
register, n. 1. record, records, ledger, registry, cashbook, journal, bank book, passbook; account book, daybook, record book, books; accounts payable ledger, accounts receivable ledger, balance sheet, cost sheet; score sheet, score card; minutes, proceedings, notes; timesheet, timecard, check sheet, log, logbook; almanac, ephemeris, yearbook, annual; annals, diary, notebook, scrapbook, memory book; archive, chartu-lary, chancery, public records.
2. roll, roster, list, beadroll, muster, muster roll, poll; list of names, attendance, Sports, line-up, Law. panel; schedule, datebook, appointment book, calen-