chalk, n. 1. blackboard crayon, marker, pastel, crayon, pencil.
-v. 2. whiten, calcimine, whitewash; make pale, bleach, blanch, etiolate.
3. chalk up to ascribe, accredit, attribute, put down; lay, charge, impute,
chalky, adj. 1. colorless, pale, pasty, wan, pallid, waxen, sallow, ashen, ghastly; blanched, bleached, milky, milk-white; white, albescent, snowy, niveous, marmoreal.
2. cretaceous, powdery, crumbly, pulverous, dusty, flaky, pulverulent; comminuted, triturable.
challenge, n. 1. call, summons, invitation, bidding; notice, nod, beck, bid.
2. provocation, dare, gauntlet, glove, gage; confrontation, ultimatum, defiance, scorn, affront; menace, attack, countercharge, stand, opposition.
3. question, charge, allegation, imputation, denouncement; complaint, protest, objection, exception, disputation, dissension; expostulation, remonstration, reproach, contradiction, denunciation.
4. venture, hazard, risk; problem, puzzle, knot, perplexity, poser; obstacle, frustration, barrier, strait, crisis, Inf. tough job, Inf. hard row to hoe, Inf hard nut to crack.
-v. 5. dare, defy, brave, confront, encounter; face, affront, stand up to; accost, beard, breast, throw down the gauntlet; scorn, Inf. snap the fingers at.
6. call to question, question, dispute, protest, take exception, disagree, demur, object, dissent; retort, remonstrate, contradict, denounce, oppose, fulminate.
7. invite, arouse, stimulate, inspire; excite, spur on, goad, invigorate, jog, fan, propel.
chamber, n. 1. room, apartment, stall, cabin, berth; bedroom, bedchamber, boudoir, dormitory, Inf. dorm; salon, drawing room, parlor, sitting or living room.
2. cell, cubicle, compartment, cubbyhole, Brit, snuggery; retreat, sanctum, cloister, study; nook, recess, closet, hole in the wall, cavity.
3. congress, diet, synod, soviet, divan, council; court, tribunal, judicature.
chameleon, n. fence-sitter, tergiversator, time-server, temporizer, trimmer, weathercock; quick-change artist, Proteus; Inf. all things to all people,
champ, v. 1. bite, gnaw, grind, gnash; munch, chew, crunch, masticate, ruminate.
2. champ at the bit chafe, fret, fuss, fidget, squirm, be unable to sit still, pull at the leash, SI. have ants in one's pants.
champion, n. 1. winner, victor, leader, Inf. champ, Inf. shoo-in; conqueror, vanquisher, subjugator, subduer; avenger, vindicator, hero, paladin, knight.
2. defender, protector, guardian, friend in deed; helper, aider, abettor, protagonist, friend at court; supporter, upholder, maintainer, sustainer, advocate, backer, patron.
3. fighter, warrior, brave, man-of-arms, campaigner, veteran, old soldier.
-v.4. defend, protect, guard; help, aid, assist, speak for, fight for, stand up for; advocate, maintain, sustain, uphold, support, back, second; avenge, vindicate,
chance, n. 1. fortuity, serendipity, happenstance, mere chance, happy chance; luck, Lady Luck, fortune or Fortune, Lady or Dame Fortune, wheels of fortune or chance, heads or tails, roll, Inf. cast or toss or throw of the dice; accident, coincidence, contingency, contin-gence; vicissitudes, ups and downs, fickle finger of fate, fate, way things fall, Inf. the breaks, Inf. how the cookie crumbles, Inf. how the ball bounces.
2. causelessness, purposelessness, randomness; unaccountability, unaccountableness, indemonstrability, unconfirmability; uncertainty, incertitude; unpredictability, unpredictableness, unforeseeableness; changeableness, capriciousness, fickleness; predestination, kismet, God's will, stars, planets.