prop up, brace, bolster, buttress, gird, mainstay, shoulder, shore, reinforce, strengthen; underlie, underprop, underpin, underbrace, bed, embase, be at the bottom of, form the foundation of.
3. sustain, maintain, foster, keep, keep up; succor, relieve, comfort; cheer, inspirit, reassure, give or raise [s.o.'s] hope, yield or afford hope, hold out or justify [s.o.'sj hopes, raise [s.o.'s] hopes or expectations; encourage, enhearten, hearten, embolden, pat [s.o.] on the back, Inf. buck up.
steadfast, adj. 1. steady, direct, fixed, intent, undistracted, unbroken; keen, piercing, penetrating; searching, questioning; rapt, enraptured, engrossed, absorbed; thoughtful, attentive.
2. constant, dedicated, devoted, true, faithful, sure, dependable, reliable, steady, stable, unshaken, undaunted; unflinching, unswerving, unwavering, unde-viating, unshrinking, unbending, unfaltering, unhesitating.
3. resolute, resolved, tenacious, inexorable, inflexible, uncompromising, unyielding, intransigent, determined, decided, fixed, settled; persevering, pertinacious, relentless, implacable, indefatigable, obstinate, stubborn, insistent, persistent, tireless, unflagging, unwearied, untiring, unwearying; mettlesome, gritty, plucky, game, spirited, red-blooded, defiant, Inf. spunky.
4. infixed, ingrained, implanted, rooted, deep-rooted, deep-seated, deep-set, well-founded, well-grounded, long-established, well-established, firmly established; durable, of long duration, long-lived, long-lasting, longstanding, remaining, staying, continuing, enduring, lasting, abiding; perpetual, constant, indissoluble; settled, proved, irrefutable, unchangeable, immutable, unalterable.
5. firm, solid, grounded, stable, substantial, secure, fast, Inf. solid as a rock; riveted, moored, anchored, planted, fixed, irremovable, immovable, unmovable; immobile, stationary, static, frozen, stiff, rigid, inflexible, changeless, unchanging.
steady, adj. 1. stable, solid, substantial, stout, sound; poised, balanced, offset, counterbalanced, counterpoised.
2. (all of movement) even, regular, rhythmic, rhythmical; metronomic, metronomical.
3. uniform, changeless, unchanging, unvarying, invariable, undeviating, the same; continuous, continual, nonstop, ceaseless, unceasing, perpetual, persistent, twenty-four hour, round-the-clock, unintermittent, undying; unending, endless, never-ending, unremitting, unrelieved, unbroken.
4. constant, chronic, inveterate, habitual; frequent, recurrent; faithful, longstanding.
5. calm, collected, composed, cool, Inf. cool as a cucumber, Inf. together; self-possessed, self-controlled, poised; imperturbable, inexcitable, unflappable, even-tempered, easygoing; dispassionate, peaceful, serene, tranquil.
6. direct, fixed. See - steadfast (def. 1).
7. steadfast; resolute. See - steadfast (defs. 2, 3).
8. sensible, rational, steady-going, level-headed, down-to-earth, Fr. terre d terre, having both feet on the ground; staid, settled, somber, sober, sober-minded, sobersided, serious-minded, serious.
-interj. 9. be calm, calm down, take it easy, control yourself, pull yourself together, get a grip on yourself, SI. cool it.
-n. 10. sweetheart, Inf. sweetie, Scot. jo, honey; girlfriend, girl, best girl, SI. sweet patootie; boyfriend, beau.
v. 11. stabilize, settle, fix; balance, poise; counterbalance, offset.