-n. 2. helix, rings, circles, rondure, windings, Bot. tendril; spiral, gyration, whorl, vortex, twirl, twist, full turn, revolution, rotation; convolution, roll, curl; curlicue, kink.
coin, n. 1. piece, specie, copper, peso, piece of eight, piaster, doubloon, escudo; change, silver, gold, mintage, coinage; pocket money, jingler, pin money, petty cash, chicken feed, rouleau; money, cash, currency, Sl. chink.
-v. 2. mint, monetize, stamp out, die; issue, circu
3. invent, create, make up, compose, neologize, neoterize; devise, concoct, frame, hatch, formulate, design, conceive, germinate, think up or of, dream up; make, fabricate, manufacture, fashion, form, construct, produce; originate, initiate, begin, start, commence; introduce, inaugurate, launch, institute.
coinage, n. 1. mintage, minting, monetization, monetizing, dieing, stamping; issuance, circulation.
2. change, coins, silver, gold, Sl. chink; pocket money, pin money, petty cash, chicken feed, rouleau; money, cash, currency.
3. invention, innovation, neologism, neology, neoterism; creation, original, composition, concoction, contrivance, fabrication.
coincide, v. 1. synchronize, occur simultaneously, happen together; be correspondent, reciprocate; correspond, harmonize, comport, match, tally, equal; mesh, jibe, suit, go along with; be synonymous, be equivalent, be equal, be the same as; cohere, be congruous; conform, quadrate; accompany, be concomitant.
2. agree, concur, accord, see eye to eye, be at one with, fall along with or into.
coincidence, n. 1. accord, harmony, concord, concordance, concert, rapport, unity, Rhet. concinnity; agreement, accordance, correspondence, conformity, conformation, conformance, congruity, congruence, congruency, consonance, consonancy; unanimity, con-sentience, consentaneity, consentaneousness, concurrence; equality, synonymity, identicalness, uniformity; similarity, affinity, connaturalness, consistency.
2. coexistence, contemporaneity, contemporaneousness, contemporariness, simultaneity, simultaneousness, concomitance, concomitancy, synchronism, synchronousness; coextension, coevality, coetaneity, coe-taneousness; confluence, conflux; parallelism, correlation.
3. asynchronism, fluke, accident, chance, incidental occurrence, unpredictable event; serendipity, stroke of luck, Sl. good or lucky break, fortuitousness.
coincident, adj. 1. agreeing, corresponding, correspondent, concurring, consentient, consentaneous, conforming, conformable, coinciding; accordant, concordant, congruent, congruous; harmonious, consonant; synonymous, equivalent, coordinate, alike; unanimous, in unison, in accord, in rapport, in harmony, at one, of the same mind, of one mind; comparable, similar.
2. simultaneous, concomitant, concurrent, parallel, collateral, side-by-side; contemporaneous, coinstan-taneous, synchronal, synchronous, Inf. in sync, synchronized, isochronal, isochronous; coexistent, coexisting, contemporary, coeval, coetaneous; conterminous, coterminous, coextensive; joined, joint, conjoint, conjunct, copulate, united, linked, unified.