disclaimer, n. 1. disavowal, denial, disaffirmation; retraction, recantation, recall; contradiction, gainsay, disclamation.
2. repudiation, renunciation, renouncement, (usu. under oath) abjuration; disowning, discarding, rejecting, rejection, disinheriting, disheriting.
disclamation, n. disavowal, renunciation. See - disclaimer (defs. 1, 2).
disclose, v. 1. make known, reveal, tell, impart, inform, relate, utter, Archaic, discover, declare, break the news; divulge, let slip, leak, let the cat out of the bag, spill the beans, blow the lid off, blurt out, blab; release, break, report, publish, Archaic, divulgate, print, broadcast, air, communicate; tell tales, tattle, betray, blow the whistle on, All SI.
squeal, squeak, rat, fink, stool, peach.
2. expose, uncover, bare, show, strip; unmask, unveil, take off the chadri, come out of the closet; bring to light, unearth, exhume, exhibit.
disclosure, n. revelation, enlightenment, exposure, divulgence, uncovering, unveiling, exposition; expos£, publication, broadcast, report, communication; leak, admission, avowal, confession.
discolor, v. 1. stain, tinge, tint, tone, streak, Archaic. distain; wash, fade, pale, bleach, blanch, wash out, weather; tarnish, rust, oxidize; soil, mark, mar, blur, sully.
2. distort, misrepresent, color, varnish, doctor, warp, Inf. stretch.
discoloration, n. stain, spot, blotch, patch, mark, blemish, flaw, taint; bruise, contusion, maculation, macula.
discomfit, v. 1. rout, trounce, drub, whip, crush, overwhelm, put to flight, floor, SI.mop or wipe the floor with, Inf. make short work of; conquer, subjugate, vanquish, subdue, overpower, overthrow, master, overmaster; overcome, defeat, beat, worst, lick, win the day, prevail over, triumph over; outmaneuver, outgeneral, outwit, checkmate, trump.
2. frustrate, foil, thwart, hinder, obstruct; ruin, spoil, upset, trip up, shipwreck.
3. disconcert, confuse, confound, perplex, baffle, floor, take aback; discompose, ruffle, abash, nonplus, fluster, Inf. discombobulate; embarrass, chagrin, perturb, disturb, demoralize.
discomfiture, n. 1. rout, beating, drubbing, trouncing; defeat, repulse, conquest, vanquishment, overthrow; subjugation, subdual.
2. frustration, rebuff, ruination, undoing, spoiling, miscarriage, abortion; disappointment, failure, nonsuccess.
3. confusion, discomposure, chagrin, embarrassment, disconcertion, bafflement, abashment, shame, humiliation, demoralization.
discomfort, n. 1. uneasiness, disquietude, anxiety, worry, concern, care, trouble; hardship, distress, Archaic. misease; mild hurt, uncomfortableness, malaise, aches and pains.
2. ache, pain, pang, throb, twinge, smart, sting, burn; nuisance, pest, bother, Inf. headache, SI.hassle, SI.pain in the neck or rear, vexation, annoyance; irritant, burr, thorn in the side or flesh, pea in the shoe; inconvenience, disadvantage, handicap; problem, affliction, difficulty; trial, tribulation, ordeal; load,
discommode, v. inconvenience, trouble, put [s.o.] to the trouble, incommode, put [s.o.] out, impose upon, encroach upon, burden; bother, disturb, Si. hassle, SI. bug.