2. historical, memorable, treasured. See - historical.
historical, adj. 1. true, authentic, real, actual, factual, verifiable, reliable; archival, recorded, docu mented, chronicled, supported by facts, confirmed, storied, remembered, memorable, commemorated.
2. traditional, former, past, prior; obsolete, bygone, of another era or time, ancient, extinct.
history, n. 1. story, account, depiction, portrayal,
representation, interpretation, explanation, study, summary, recapitulation, delineation, exposition, unfolding of events; recital, narrative, narration, review, retelling, relation; report, news, information, intelligence; anecdote, incident, series of incidents, events, episodes; tale, drama, romance, legend, saga, epic, Inf. yarn.
2. experiences, fortunes, adventures, confessions, memoirs, biography, autobiography, life, life story, psychohistory.
3. record, public record, facts; chronicle, calendar, almanac, yearbook, annual; journal, diary, daybook, log; annals, chronology, genealogy, archives; register, registry, docket, roster, schedule, minutes, proceedings, transactions; ana, memorabilia, memories, nostalgia, tradition.
4. the past, yesterday, yesteryear, former or happier times, the good old days, old days, bygone days or eras, days or times of old, times gone but not forgotten; water over the dam, water under the bridge, Inf ancient history, Fr. fait accompli.
histrionic, adj. 1. dramatic, dramaturgic, dramaturgical, theatrical, theatric; thespian, Roscian, histri-onical, SI. ham or hammy; scenic, stagy; operatic.
2. affected, mannered, unnatural, ostentatious, forced, overwrought; artificial, false, insincere, bogus, sham, put-on, Inf. fake, SI. phony; overdone, overacted; emotive, emotionalistic, overemotional, melodramatic; sensational.
histrionics, n. 1. drama, dramatic representation, dramatics, dramaturgy, theatricals, theatricalism, his-trionism, thespianism; acting, playacting, performing, playing, enacting, enactment; overacting, SI. ham acting, SI. hamming or hamming up.
2. affectation, pretension, show, false show, sham; posture, masquerade, facade, front, false front, display; humbug, hypocrisy, fakery, bluff, posing, feigning, pretending, making believe; veneer, gloss, lip service or homage.
hit, v. 1. strike, smite, thwack, slap, smack, Australian. ding; cuff, buffet, knock, punch, box, sandbag, Scot. dunt, Scot. and North Eng. paik, Inf. clout, Inf. slug, Inf. whack, Inf. knock [s.o.'s] block off, Inf. wallop, Inf. crown, SI. conk, Dial, hit [s.o.] upside the head, SI. bash, SI. plug, U.S. SI. biff, SI. bop; SI. belt, SI. sock, beat, batter, pound, lay on, pommel, pummel, pelt, SI. paste, SI. lay into, SI. let [s.o.] have it, Archaic, belabor; thrash, flog, lash, switch, birch, scourge, flagellate, whip, horsewhip, curry, strap, thresh, flail, cowhide, spank, Brit. Dial, yerk, Inf. tan [s.o.'sj hide, Inf. trim, Inf. thump, Inf. lace, Inf. lambaste, Inf. whale, SI. whomp; cudgel, fustigate, bludgeon, baste, cane, bastinado, club, hammer, sledge hammer; tap, rap, fillip.
2. collide with, impact, crash against, smash into, dash against, jolt, jar, bang into or against; bump, knock into, clap together, percuss, run into, meet head-on, impinge upon or against.
3. reach, touch, gain, attain, achieve; arrive at or in, land in; make, appear in; make a bull's eye, send to the mark, fell, drop, sink, bring down, shoot, SI. blast, SI. zap.