ological, Sl. raunchy; lecherous, lubricous, goatish, lustful, libidinous, concupiscent, carnal, sexy, sensual, Archaic, lickerish; licentious, lascivious, Cyprian, prurient, wanton, loose, libertine, promiscuous, Paphian, unchaste; immoral, degenerate, dissolute, dissipated, debauched, rakish, profligate, depraved, perverted.
3. improper, indecorous, unacceptable; inappropriate, unsuitable, unapt, unfitting, unbefitting, unseemly, tawdry, Inf. tacky; unbecoming, unflattering, unattractive. indecipherable, adj. 1. illegible, unreadable, undecipherable; unclear, Inf. clear as mud, indistinct, indistinguishable, undistinguishable, unrecognizable; blotted, blurred, smudged; (all of writing) cramped, squeezed, squeezed together, pinched; (all of writing) run-on, run together, strung together; (all of writing) deleted, erased, effaced, eradicated, wiped or rubbed out, blotted out.
2. hieroglyphic, hieroglyphical, cryptographic, cryptographical, Obs. steganographic or steganographical.
3. secret, hidden, concealed, veiled, cryptic, perdu; impenetrable, incomprehensible, uncomprehensible, unfathomable, inscrutable, unknowable, incognizable, incognoscible; abstruse, recondite, esoteric, abstract.
4. difficult, hard, Inf. tough; complex, complicated, perplexed, Inf. tricky; intricate, involved, tangled, knotty, crabbed; obscure, dim, dark, vague, nebulous, Rare, imperspicuous; puzzling, baffling, enigmatic, enigmatical; mysterious, arcane, inexplicable, unexplainable, insolvable, insoluble, unaccountable, Obs. inextricable. indecision, n. irresolution, irresoluteness, indecisiveness, uncertainty, incertitude, unsettledness, infirmity of purpose, ambivalence, double-mindedness; fence-sitting, fence-straddling, mugwumpery; tergiversation, change of mind, second thoughts; hesitation, hesitancy, diffidence, faltering; vacillation, fluctuation, shilly-shally, wavering, blowing hot and cold; capriciousness, fickleness, moodiness, changeableness. indecisive, adj. 1. inconclusive, open, still open, open to doubt or question, up in the air; undetermined, unsettled, unestablished, unproven, undemonstrated, unsubstantiated, moot.
2. irresolute, unresolved, undecided, uncertain, ambivalent, of two minds; hesitant, faltering, diffident, wavering, fluctuating, vacillating, shilly-shallying, blowing hot and cold, sitting on or straddling the fence; infirm of purpose, wishy-washy, namby-pamby, weak-willed, weak, spineless; fickle, capricious, moody, changeable, mercurial, volatile.
3. indistinct, indeterminate, indefinite, undefined, formless, shapeless; vague, unclear, obscure, blurred, blurry, fuzzy, hazy, misty. indecorous, adj. 1. unbecoming, unseemly, improper; unmannerly, uncivil, impolite, unladylike, ungentlemanly; ungenteel, ill-bred, ill-mannered, unrefined, uncultured, uncultivated; uncourtly, unchival-rous, ungallant, rude, uncivil; undignified, unpolished, unsophisticated, countrified, provincial, unsophisticated, countrified, provincial, boorish; crude, coarse, vulgar, common, uncouth, crass, gross; churlish, loutish.
2. inappropriate, inapt, unmeet, unfitting, unbefitting; unwarranted, uncalled-for, out of place, out of keeping; untoward, Inf. out-of-the-way, Inf. off-key, out-of-bounds, out-of-the-line, out-of-order.
3. shameful, disgraceful, discreditable, disreputable, reprehensible; indecent, offensive, lewd, obscene, loose, ribald, risqu6, suggestive.